I’m Boycotting the Forums - Updated Proposal

Day 2,045, 17:52 Published in Netherlands Canada by Aries Prime
DISCLAIMER: This is an independent statement by me, Aries Prime. This is by no means a statement by any other groups, people, or parties.

Sad that I have post up a disclaimer, right? I haven’t been involved in any of the recent political turmoil until very recently, and it is a good thing I didn’t get involved for as long as I could. Apparently our country is split, quite literally, into two sides. We have those that are pro-van Spijck and those that are pro-ElGorro. There is no middle ground. People that decide to stay neutral are inevitably dragged into the screaming match when any action they make is interpreted as supporting one side over the other.

Me clubbing it up with a few other uninvolved seals.

Obviously I stand by van Spijck. He has been a loyal friend to me and we have been working to make a bright future for Netherlands since I have come here 8 months ago. Let me also note that I am not Dutch, nor do I have any responsibilities or connections to this country other than what I have decided ingame. As far as anyone is concerned, I could leave today without a second look back.

I went back onto the forums because I noticed that there was a ridiculous motion of no confidence on our country president. It seems certain individuals decided to uproot his authority by manipulating their forum powers to add certain people into the mix and wait for general inactivity amongst most congressmen, myself included. Then they created the vote and essentially snuck it through the rest of us while we were either working on government projects or hadn’t checked the forums in a few days.

So the vote passed with a narrow margin from a half active and fixed congress. Still I sat by quietly as I realized this was an underhanded maneuver that would not last when we all got together to overturn the vote. We created a new vote to overturn the old one and had a whopping 8 votes to overturn, 3 against, and 2 abstain. The vote was almost complete when ElGorro himself decided to lock the vote on some previous legislation that did not apply to the current situation. – The vote has now been unlocked, but I still do not trust the moderators.

It was at this point that I decided I was fed up with our system and was not going to play a role in it any longer. I created a thread calling for van Spijck to be elected dictator or king of Netherlands in response to this authoritarian power running the forums. In my viewpoint, if we are going to be constantly attacked by rogue congressmen and forum moderators who want nothing more than to destabilize our country, then we might as well instate a dictatorship or monarch. I don’t believe anyone wants to take that route, myself included, but it is still my right as a congressman to propose such an idea, even to prove a point, right? Wrong. Instantly my thread was attacked and locked. I then created another thread to counter this ridiculous abuse of power that was being shoved on me. It appears that is going nowhere.

Me getting attacked by the authoritarian forum-mods after making my voice heard.

I am fed up with this civil war we are having and I refuse to be a part of these authoritarian forums that claim to be democratic and stand as the voice of the people. For now on I will be only taking orders from the CP himself and any ingame mechanics or rules that we have. Any forces or powers outside the game that attempt to control me will be ignored and disobeyed. I welcome anyone else to join with me by posting a comment saying that you will boycott the forums until neutrality is restored.

tl;dr: I am boycotting the forums until neutrality is returned. Anyone with moderation powers that continues to use their powers in a authoritarian-like manner will force me to continue my boycott. I will refuse to listen to anything commanded of me by those on the forums until this issue is resolved.

PROPOSAL: As a possible solution to the issue, I propose that we elect a new CoC and dCoC that is not a congressmen or party leader. This would also require that we change our laws on the elections of these positions to allow for all citizens to be able to run instead of having to wait for a 48 hour period. Our new CoC and dCoC would need to be someone we can all agree on as someone neutral and unbiased. I am quite confident we can find someone willing to step up.

Aries Prime