I pwn Scotywest Br0adside Coppr & Leon Alston

Day 520, 02:29 Published in Australia Ukraine by Australian Warlord

I pwn Scotywest Br0adside Coppr & Leon Alston I can do 3/4 of the damage Mouj & Taytaz does despite all of them being in this game for massively longer then I've been here (some over a year).

The reason for this article? This is in response to Cottus Arci's moronic article. Players like Scotywest are weaker than me in combat capability despite him being here for over a year.

Do something good. Become stronger than players like Scotywest in a short period of time, join us in Muntenia eRomania.

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Cottus also went on able Q5 weapons. Let me show you a few very simple stats to show you why Q5 weapons are generally not the correct choice.

eAust Q1 = 10.5 AUD Q5 = 70 AUD
eRom Q1 = 9.4 ROM Q5 = 98 ROM
eIndon Q1 = 6 IDR Q5 = 49.5 IDR

A Q5 weapon cost between 8.5 & 9 times more than a Q1 weapon yet a Q5 weapon only does 1.6 times the damage. That means that for the same amount of money Q1 weapons does 4.3 to 4.4 times the damage as Q5 weapons.

Given this fact, despite Cottus being stronger than me, if you want to do the maximum amount of damage on a set budget then the Australian Warlord package will do more over twice the damage as the Cottus Arci package.

As such you can say that the Australian Warlord package pwns the Cottus Arci package.