I present.....my campaign!

Day 1,248, 15:28 Published in USA United Kingdom by Metta WorldPeace

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen of eLouisiana. I am announcing my intention to run for Congress simply because I believe that in this game, activity is everything. Activity in both the party you belong to and the nation. I am very new to this game, but after looking through the eUS forums and messaging back and forth with members who have actually had experience, I believe firmly that I can do this. I won't talk about patriotism and all that junk, just how I think, scratch that, I KNOW that I can do this with the utmost respect, gratitude, and enforcement. This nation needs people who are both active and concerned with the eWorld.

I am the current Ambassador to Venezuela, and let me tell you, it's not easy being a delegate to a nation you are at war with, especially when they speak another language. This has given me insight on the eWorld and how it operates.

I am also, as I think everyone will agree with me, a staunchy anti-PTOist. The Turks are currently embedded in the eUS. While they are not exactly PTOing, they are somewhat a threat to American sovereignty. So on April 25, I ask that if you're in eLouisiana, to consider voting for me as Congressman. Thanks for reading

J. W. Bullwinkle