I need votes...

Day 926, 10:18 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

...to be used towards ATO efforts for our bros in Australia and elsewhere on June 5th

Rod Damon, director of the CIA, posted a thread discussing the need for 200 volunteers to move to Australia and gain Australian citizenship to help in both their CP elections and the elections after.

To describe what is happening for anyone that does not know, basically it is common practice to send voters to other nations to control their political process as an act of war. Doing so can result a country being ravaged by a congress passing unbearable taxes or a president retreating regions. We are countering this by providing voters to support local candidates.

You dont want to make these cute koalas cry...

Defending Australia and other allies is vital to American interests, as not only does preventing a PTO of Australia prevent Indonesia from potentially gaining a high iron region, but more importantly it helps an ally who has always proven willing to help us when we were in need.

Anyone who is interested in helping must also recognize that the PTO threat is a long term one, and we need you to keep Australian citizenship for the foreseeable future. We cannot afford to keep giving citizenship to the same people over and over again, as there are a severely limited number, and we may need more in the future, especially later this month

You will be an American through this all, except in citizenship, and can live/work/participate in America like any other American besides in the political arena

http://tinyurl.com/SACatoVol">Sign up here to protect American interests abroad and to help friends in need
