I'm Pissed

Day 706, 16:31 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

Hello all,

I'm sorry I had to write this article, but I am compelled;

Let me give you a synopsis of what happened to the CvP yesterday: Many of you out there heard about the Shermain-Ligtreb issue. Well apparently, after a few incidences of back and forth, largely spammed articles, a damper was pushed onto two important CvP races: SGGHays run in New Mexico, and obviously Shermain's run in DC. I obviously can't speak for Shermain after such a largely negative article against Ligtreb which I do not support at all, but however I am very disappointed at the many responses that came of this issue and how it affected the CvP races on a whole. I can no longer trust the integrity of the public’s ability to run fairly in elections. I realize a lot of this has to do with the dregs of politics and the fear of Ajay Bruno returning, but that is no reason to treat the entire CvP the way it was yesterday. Yes, I agree Shermain was asking for this kind of trouble with the disgraceful comments in his article, but I think a lot of it was a) a mistake and b) because he didn’t know any better. Well he was corrected and he lost the election: okay, understandable. That’s not what really pisses me off.

What is very disturbing to me is that this somehow caused people to blame the entire CvP, causing many people to snipe our races and accuse our newer players of being Ajay. SGGHays being one of them, was beaten in the election by 4 votes. Our party president, Desertfalcon, who was blamed for indecision (which was sadly probably the best decision of all), was also dropped from winning the election by 2 votes. Let me tell you that after playing this game for nearly a year, I’ve come to know many people in this game, and it pains me greatly to know that they behaved in this way.

I’m beginning to get tired of people, not just outside but also in our party, blaming everyone new in the CvP of being Ajay just because they are ignorant or outspoken. This has got to stop. We need to realize that Ajay will never be as powerful as he once was; he can’t, he’s supposed to be banned from the game. It’s all for the lulz now.

To all the USWP out there
: I know better than to think that the few people in your party who started this battle talk are representing a consensus for all of you. So with that being said I hope we can find ways to work things out between us so that stuff like this doesn’t keep happening, for eRepublik’s sake. As for USWP leadership and our members, please don’t go poaching them 😉 I’m sure your already going to get a lot of our less loyal members coming over, but don’t keep kicking us down, we’re getting tired of fighting all the time.

All those loyal CvP members, young and old, reading this, thank you for staying with us in all these hard times, for continuing to do your part to help us through these battles, and continuing to be optimistic: You mean a lot to me, you’re the reason I will always be a CvP member, and I hope I’ll get to know some of you better in the future. It’s because of you that I hope to return to epolitics sometime in the future 😃

Now for the reason why I’m really pisse😛
Those CvP members who decided to jump on the “Let’s blame the CvP” bandwagon, I hate having to tell you how disappointed I am (I’m pissed). Let this be clear, I plan on sticking together with the rest of the CvP and continuing to support them in good times and in bad, not just when they have the conditions I feel are acceptable or in my favor (such as the person who is Party President or how many congress members we have.) We need to stick up for each other and help correct those who make terrible and sometimes heinous mistakes, not berate them; otherwise we are going to continue falling apart at every election. If we stick together and continue doing our jobs, things will get better for the Conservative Party. And for those of us staying, that is exactly what we will accomplish; just as we always have 😉

God Bless the Conservative Party,
God Bless America,