I'm back, and with some more helpful advice....

Day 659, 01:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lemuel Gengulfus

Morning folks.

Apologies for my absence from eRep for the past week - a small holiday in very rural France & no internet.

I realise this may have caused some problems for people trying to work in LGmobile.Food, so again please accept my apologies.

One thing that I seem to be spending a lot of time on at the moment is emailing my employees with advice on their wellness levels.

If you are a new player, ie: experience levels of 5 and below, the one thing you need to do is keep your health above 40 so you can fight in wars once you hit level 5.

To do this, try not to work in companies that are offering Q2 products or higher (ie: have 2 or more stars against their icon) - these require you to be more productive and will drain your health much faster than Q1 firms. I know the salary is higher, but it will require you to buy more expensive food to keep your health up!

Please also read this article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/workers-in-lgmobile-food-grain-please-read-914616/1/20>IMPORTANT ARTICLE ON WELLNESS & PRODUCTIVITY: LGmobile.Paper

Once you get to level 7, you will be able to join a political party - usually new players join the one at the top of the list, but I would encourage you to have a snoop around the forums and get a flavour of the diffent parties. Since I am a Congress Member for the up-and-coming British Empire Party (moderately right wing and expansionist 🙂 ) I would of course suggest you join us! To request access to our discussion forum, click here: http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=45>BEP Forum Access Request You can also join us by clicking here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/the-british-empire-party-882>BEP Party

Finally if you haven't discovered the forums at all, please take a look: FORUM INDEX: http://forums.erepublik.co.uk>http://forums.erepublik.co.uk- it's where you'll have fun, meet people, discuss stuff and get help etc...

Any questions, let me know by emailing either profile.
