I Love New York ~ Congress

Day 577, 18:05 Published in USA USA by Georgiano Vimgani
Hello America!
Some of you may know me from the last congressional elections. I’m Georgiano Vimgani and I have decided to attempt to gain a seat in congress a second time, last elections were close and it was quite exciting. I used to live in New York and I've even seen 9/11, its a great city which also has alot of great people. I plan to try harder this time and make it count. As I said in my last congressional article, I wish to help make eUSA and the rest of the eWorld a place where political takeovers never happen as well as a place where our borders are always safe from enemy attack. JFK once said, “One person can make a difference and every person should try.” That is something that I want to try and accomplish and I want to accomplish that goal in making a difference by being Congressman of New York. In a recent article I read, its title was so true, “United We Stand, Divided we Fall”. This is the “United” States of America, so long as we stand united we shall be the greatest force in the world.

Why am I running?
As I stated in my last article, I’m running because I believe congress needs some fresh new minds to share their ideas with the world. Serving my country is one thing I’ve always wanted to do, for the greater of my fellow Americans. The eUSA needs to step up its game and make it count, especially with being neutral now and I hope to help lead the eUSA in the right direction. Many new faces join erepublik and the eUSA everyday, we need to start giving those new faces a chance to help contribute to this great nation.


This should somewhat be self explanatory. Low taxes are obviously the way to go. With low iron resources now since the loss of several key regions, prices are jumpy and the economy is struggling to remain stable. It seems that taxes will rise in the future as our economy grows, but I will work my hardest to try to keep them as low as possible.

Foreign Policy
Since the eUSA has claimed neutrality, this is a golden opportunity to rebuild on foreign relation, make new allies, and find out who our TRUE allies really are. We should try to close some of these open wars because it would make our borders a lot safer, not to mention we wouldn’t have to be on alert nearly as much. We mustn’t give in to threats from enemy nations nor allied nations and we must also not be afraid to try new things. Here is a quote from JFK, "Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.” That is something that the eUSA should stand on. Our nation should not rush into any alliances due to fear of impending attack or just because our allies are in it. The bigger team doesn’t always win and that is why we must be patient, slow and steady on our decisions while making efficient progress at the same time. We must work to make peace in this world, “Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind” – JFK.

eUS Military
For this subject, I shall say what I said last time because it is straight to the point. We must stand and support our military no matter what. They keep our borders safe and defend freedom all around the globe. A supported military is a strong military! We should support the military in any way possible, whether it be donating weapons or money to the Marines or National Guard, or making a quick article giving our guys some motivation to do their best. Remember, the guys who stand and fight for the freedom of this nation are citizens just like you, they deserve as much respect if not more, for dying for the people of this country as well it’s great gift of freedom.

eUS Government
As far as the government goes, all the secrecy our government has is necessary because of enemy spies and the chance of our plans and intel being leaked or exposed somehow. If we did not keep so many secrets, our borders would not be as safe, our military plans would be revealed all the time and it would give the enemy time to prepare and we would not be able to efficiently help our allies. Therefore all the secrecy within our government is somewhat necessary. As for how do I think our government officials are doing with their jobs’, I would say we’re doing an alright job, but it could use a bit of work. Where you might ask? I can’t quite say yet.

What I plan to accomplish/Why you should vote for me
As I said last time, If I win the seat in Congress for New York, I'd like to accomplish getting my political party's ideas out in the open and noticed. I plan to be as active and professional as possible. I will do my job as a congressman and I'll do it to the best of my abilities. I support bringing back state positions and I plan to help propose new ideas and such to help eUSA's struggling economy, help new citizens, and improve foreign relations. I will work with my fellow congressmen and women to form a better society. I will also strive for the advancement of my politcal party in hopes of improving congress, the presidency, the military, the government, as well as the nation as a whole. I truly love my country and wish to help it in any way I possibly can by being not just the representative of New York but an inspiration to all the American people. “I look forward to a great future for America - a future in which our country will match its military strength with our moral restraint, its wealth with our wisdom, its power with our purpose.” – JFK. That quote, I believe and I will give my all to improve and prepare the eUS for the future!

Short, quick and to the point [for those who were too lazy to read all of the above (no offence, we're all American 🙂 ) ^]
As the representative of New York, I pledge to do my job, and do it well. I will work for the betterment of you and everyone else in the nation. I will work with the other congressmen and women to get the job done and get it done the right way efficiently. I will release an article occasionally, showing my progress and what I’ve done. I am not here for the gold or experience. I’m here to make a difference… and you can help make a difference too by voting for me! VOTE SMART!

Thank you for reading!
Vote Georgiano Vimgani for New York!
... The right man for the job, the right man for the community!