I liek ur style...

Day 854, 17:40 Published in South Africa South Africa by Conrad Dietoten

Wow...we actually got a region back. I totally was not expecting this to happen, in fact I was just about to go into exile somewhere in Norway. Now we get to start the South African cycle all over again...but at least this time there isn't free citizenship.

But the main point of this article is mostly to thank all you Emericans. I used to have a very negative opinion of you after WWIII because you all seemed quite arrogant and not very friendly. In the past few weeks however, I've seen a much more humble attitude from you guys and I like that (I really like all of the pro-eSA press I've seen coming from you guys). So thanks for earning back my support, you guys rock!

Now I'm sure there are others helping, I know the Poles and Croats are, so a big thanks to you guys too! I'm not sure which all EDEN forces were here but thanks a bunch! I'm glad you guys finally caught on that South Africa will be a mite important as soon as V2 comes out, seeing as were going to have 1/3 of the world's titanium (PHEONIX already caught on to this little tid-bit a while ago). So thanks for noticing EDEN. 😉 Your support is greatly appreciated!

-Conrad Dietoten