I know it's early but, my manifesto

Day 1,488, 02:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Rex Fleddington

Hi I am Billdelf.
I started playing Erepublik back in December 2009 and I haven’t stopped playing since. I am in the Ministry of Home Affairs and have been in for two terms. I am still current and have been a loyal candidate for the South West of England since January. My eLife has been devoted to protecting the British Isles in any and all wars, politically and through the military. I love getting more knowledge, if it by asking others or learning by myself. Ever since I started this game I knew there were a few things that were missing from making Erepublik the best online game in its genre, I will be mentioning that later on. Now I bet you’re wondering, why should I vote for him? He has little experience and there are so many more well-known people I could vote for. Well, in the next paragraph I shall be trying to change your idea about me and many of my friends that never get voted in for.
Firstly, I am on from 7:30 am to 8:15 am, then I am on 3:15 pm to any time up to 11pm, if it's important (that gives me over 7 hours playing time on most days. Secondly, I will volunteer to help anyone just so I can get learn more about the people inside the game. Most importantly, I have been waiting for my shot in congress since 2010 so I will not waste the opportunity of going in congress (I will get the most out of it).
I want to keep things short and sweet so this will be my last paragraph all about what I shall do if elected.
1) Help newer players reach their full potential by allowing the mentor scheme to grow and evolve.
2) Make an impact in the wars the eUK and One are fighting, by fighting for them in the war but at the same time doing all that is necessary to put the favour in our side.
3) I believe every part of the eUK is as important as the next and whilst other politicians want to keep London a fortress I want to keep the entire nation a fortress.
4) The VAT on weapons is too high; I want to make it as easy as possible to fight for your homeland and at the same time increase the amount of weapons produced.
5) This might seem like you’ve heard it before but, I believe that we need more players in the eUK, not because of the money the government gets but to show the other countries that we aren't an ally that is useless in a fight.
6) Lastly, I want to get the most out of this proud home (resource-wise) by controlling the infamous Ireland regions, because we all love delicious fruit.

Thank you so much for reading this quite long text and I hope this has persuaded you to vote for me.
