I have a dig bick.

Day 1,953, 18:16 Published in Canada Canada by The.Puppeteer

WOAH! WOAH WOAH! You have a dirty mind. You read that wrong, and are probably going to hell for it. Shame on you.

Real Title:10 7 phobias/things that bother Buck.

There are numerous problems I have with this game. From the money hungry Admins, to the economic module, or should I say lack thereof. To not being able to vote shouts in the MU feed, or not being able to send in a ticket myself because when I do, it takes me to a blank page that says "Beta Testing".

These are all petty problems that I/we deal with on this game. They are hardly real problems, and if it ever amounted to the point that they bothered me so much, I would walk away from the game.

However, this is not the case with my real life problems and phobias. Daily I struggle to survive out in this cruel world. Welcome to Buck's rant, or things that "Grind my Gears".

This is the bane of my existence. My definition of nails on a chalk board. It is so repulsive that I can't not be in the same room with it. When I was a child I vowed to rid the world of Styrofoam, and to this day I have not given up my quest. When ordering take-out, I regularly ask them for either cardboard, or one of those metal containers to put the food in. As for packaging, what is wrong with bubble wrap?! Not only does it provide the protection that is needed, it is fun to use after to annoy anyone within ear shot.

2) Nesquik

I can not believe people pass this off as chocolate milk. I hope no one was subjected to this as a child. It is by far the most disgusting thing on the market. I had an old grade school friend who was obsessed with the stuff and I am pretty sure he is diabetic now. I never had the cereal because I hate the chocolate syrup right down to my jovial Uncle Buck core. Not to mention it looks like their mascot pooped it himself. Why do you think he looks so smug all the time? What else would a chocolate rabbit have to be smug about?

3) People that stop for samples at Costco

Wow, just wow. This was the downfall of humanity for me. Have you ever been in a Costco on a weekend? You would have a better chance getting food off a zebra after a lion made its kill. Not that I want this germ infested food that old people finger, and little kids finger after being wrist deep in their nose. It always baffles my mind that people flock to these stands to get food that has been exposed in that cesspool of germs.

Although, if you are at Costco and want food, I highly recommend grabbing a poutine on the way out. Possibly the most underrated fries on the planet, and of course keeping with Costco tradition, you get a metric ton for 3.99$.

4) Dog clothing

Stop it. If your dog could talk, I am sure it would say the same thing. Surely I'm not the only human alive that has an issue with this. I feel so bad when I see a dog being paraded around the block with a sweater and little boots on. No wonder why you see them pulling away from their owner in an attempt to be free. I probably would too if I had a fur coat, then some idiot slapped a sweater on me and paraded me out in public.

"But Buck, some dogs have short hair and need it."

I have two words for you. Natural Selection.

5) Nuts in food they have no purpose in

You just enjoyed a great meal, and leave that little bit of room to squeeze in desert. To your delight, you see brownies on the counter. So you grab the nearest sharp object and hack out a slab for yourself, take a bite, and have your world crash down around you. What is that crunch? Peanuts? WHY!? Food is fine as it is without people sneaking in nuts *Haha, mind in the gutter*. For some reason, people get some sick pleasure in not telling you what is in something before you eat it.  I am sure I speak for all of us when I say, Quit putting your nuts in places they don't belong.

6) Wet towels/warm seat

This is just flat out disgusting. Ever have a shower and dry off with a semi-moist towel? Ruins your entire day. Even using a hand towel after someone has used it bothers me. It is like that awkward moment when the toilet seat is warm, then you realize why the toilet set is warm, and you are in an uncomfortable state for the next 3-5 minutes. Unless of course, you live a life where you own a toilet with a seat warmer. That would still bother me though.

7) Bagged Milk

Sorry Canada, I am a hater, and I will hate. Prep work should not go into pouring yourself a glass of milk. It's just not necessary to have to do that. Possibly the worst thing is when the bag collapses if you don't cut both ends of the bag. But if you make this sound decision, you run the risk of moving it too fast and have it splash on yourself. I am a huge fan of innovation, and I feel people who still use this are in 1989.  Not to mention the countless times I have seen people bring milk to the register, only to have it pissing out the side all over everything else.

Oh yeah, we won three regions and stuff. Go Canada.

By all means, add your own rants, but keep it clean.

TL😉R - People disgust me.

