I, Derek Harland, Am Running For DAL Party President

Day 565, 10:19 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

The day I joined eRepublik, I knew that I wasn't going to be someone who sits along the sidelines, waiting for an opportunity to do something great in this game. I wanted to get as active in the political scene as I possibly could and this is the best chance for me to do so at the moment. Scorpius has done a great job running the party in the last month or so but he will be away for the party president elections on June 15th, 2009. Therefore, the Democratic Action League is going to need a new party president and a new leader to bring this party back to being a powerhouse in eCanada. As of right now, I, Derek Harland, will be running for the DAL party president come June 15th.

I have always been a dedicated, hard working member of eCanada. I started off being a journalist that tried its hardest to please the readers of eCanada and put out an honest, interesting newspaper. My articles have most of the time been about the political scene and I have generally received positive reviews on my paper. In April I won the SPABA article of the month award for my party presidential election review article. Now that I am running for party president, I hope to be able to write articles about my time as party president. As I became more experienced and knowledgeable about the game I decided to run for congress to further my political career. The first month I ran for congress I was elected into it and I got my first taste of the insights and thoughts of people in some sort of power. I did my best to accomplish all the goals I had set out for myself in my congressional platform. The second term I ran for congress I was surprisingly defeated in Newfoundland and Labrador and that left me with a bitter taste in my mouth. Now I am back with a vengeance and I am looking for the support of not only DAL members but all of eCanada to support me into power with the Democratic Action League.

My plans to revilatize and instill a new found sense of power into the DAL heavily revolves around three main aspects. The first aspect is an organized and effective recruiting effort by the DAL party to gain more members and hopefully propel ourselves at or close to the top 5 parties in terms of members. The second aspect is putting out a platform that represents the views of all the members of the party and giving eCanada a strong image of what our party is about and what our views are. The third part of my plan is going to be running our own presidential candidate in the hopes of sending a message out there that we are a serious party and we want to move forward instead of making sideways movement.

1. Recruiting effort

The Democratic Action League only has 57 members as I write this and that would make us the 6th ranked party in eCanada. We basically need to double that member total to catch up to the fifth ranked party, the Canadian Paradox Party. The CPP has 112 members and the DAL needs to start making strides in the right direction to catch up to that number. A lot of members in the DAL party have been doing a great job recruiting and pushing our party to gain more members and I applaud their efforts. If I am elected party president, the recruiting effort is going to be an organized and effective one. Anyone in the party who is interested in helping to recruit in the party will have a schedule of what to do and will report in a thread in the DAL forums if they have accomplished their task for their day. Independent recruiting in the party will also be welcomed and together, we should be able to gain a lot of members if the recruiting effort is an organized one and one that is focused on the right eCanadian citizens. This is step one of my three-part plan.

2. Platform

For the past month on the DAL forums members have been working hard in putting together a platform that will represent and define our image as a party and tell every citizen in eCanada what we as a party are about and interested in doing. A few ideas have been bandied about but there hasn't been much progression into developing the final copy of the platform. A good platform is essential to any party in helping citizens understand what we are trying to accomplish and getting them interested in a party. If I am elected party president the platform WILL be finished and a final copy of it WILL be broadcasted throughtout eCanada. Scorpius has a good introduction to the platform and it is one that I will make sure is expanded on and included in the final platform. Everyone who is active in the party will have a final say into what goes into the platform and what our party should represent. A big part of the DAL is giving everyone who wants to be included a say into what happens with the party and a large chunk of the final platform will be from ideas on what each member has to say, along with some ideas of my own that I have. This is step two of my three-part plan.

3. Possible DAL Presidential Candidate

I have publicly and actively been supporting Jacobi with my articles and shouts and I am confident he will lead eCanada into further success and development as president. The DAL running their own presidential candidate would have nothing to do with Jacobi not doing a good job but instead to establish the fact that the DAL is serious about becoming one of the top parties in eCanada instead of just hopping along for the ride every month. Every month we have been deciding who we want to support in the next election but for a change, I think that the DAL should seriously consider running their own president. If elected party president, I will actively push for running our own candidate to the party but because I am a strong believer in giving everyone a say, I will let the party help decide whether we run our own candidate or support a candidate from a different party. Supporting Jacobi for another term is also a very good option and one that will definitely be considered depending on how things go over the next month. However, the DAL needs to start heading in a direction of independence and running our own candidate is the best way to show that. If we as a party do decide to run own candidate, it will be a group effort in deciding who we want to run whether it be myself or someone else within the party. This is step three and the final step in my three-part plan to revitalize the Democratic Action League.

I know that this is a lot of information to take in but I am someone who has been working hard for a long time and I finally want to do something special with my work and be a leader for this great party. I am sincere in all of my intentions in this article and I strongly believe that I can turn this party into one that can say it is a party with respect, pride, integrity and also one with growing power in eCanada.

Whether you are a Democratic Action League member or not, I kindly ask that you vote this article up to let everyone see what I plan to do with the DAL party. Thanks in advance and have a great day.

This is Derek Harland signing off.