I can't haz more hospitals?

Day 820, 21:06 Published in USA USA by JeremyR

Greetings from your Wyoming Congressman,

I am writing this special congressional edition tonight as we need to discuss an important issue. I am a member of the Infrastructure Committee. The biggest thing discussed on infrastructure is the size of hospitals and the regions they need to be placed in. There are several options discussed and I will address each of them. If you disagree with me please state your opinion in the comments and this may become a series of articles. If you agree with me please comment vote and subscribe.

The first thing that was addressed was Q2 hospitals in larger states to increase retention. As a mentor and after reviewing stats from the Flying Unicorns I would like to address this point. A Q2 hospital costs 2000 USD in wood and even at minimum wage 20 workers for 14 days is another 280 USd. So volunteered labor making these hospitals would cost at least 2280 USD. So 63.84 Gold at current exchange rates is enough to fund one tank for half its available fights.. Now lets state some facts. Only 7 out of 10 people ever gain experience. Only 5 out of those 7 ever make it to level 3. Only 3 out of those 5 ever make it to level 5. 1 will become a two clicker and slowly lose wellness. One will die and never reach level 10. Then only 10 percent of the original 10 people will move to a fortress state. Yes people that is only one person saved. Even putting a value of 10 USD on those last two people that never move (the only two people that benefit from a q2 hospital in a high population state) it would take 228 saved people which would take a full month to pay back with only a possible chance of return. The people we would try to save at most would two click and at the very least would die. Do we want people quitting and two clicking? Does this solve our retention problem? Is the possible return of two people a day worth building a vulnerable Q2 hospital in Texas or New York? Two people that will not help our fortresses. Two people that will not help our economy? Two people that may or may not even reach level five. I say that the cost and risk is not worth the slight gain.

The next thing that was addressed was Q5 hospitals in larger population states. Currently we can't fill 3 fortress states to add another one would be a very bad thing. Also fortresses work best in high resource areas and those of stragetic importance. New York and Texas have none of these qualities as the resources they hold are already secured in other regions.

As I said feel free to disagree. This is a public opinion article as such I can take all information gained from it and restart discussions on the forums. If you agree please vote this up, if you disagree please vote this up and either way please comment so I can know the public opinion on this.

Josh Frost may support my opinion.