I believe i can fly...

Day 685, 10:29 Published in Denmark Serbia by Merovina

Dearest eDanes!

Consider this as an open invitation to get shaken out of your boredom.

Taking the main event in eDenmark in consideration, and its NOT the president election, it shows that the eDanes are close to bore them selve to death.

When you can use so much energy and effort in the disclosure of HoeMax, did he ore didn't he screw GrevPer ore Skinke, you have to admit that there are something fundamentally wrong in this country.

Now, if you are that bored, so this can be your main focus point and main event in this game, i would like to invite you to a tourist trip to the beautifull eSerbia, where you can try to live like a eSerb.

I will be your guide through the country, help you find a job, guide you through fierce battles and visit you when you heal in our state of the art Q5 Hospital.

Buy guns and tickets in eDenmark, make your ecenomy grow, go and visit the exciting eSerbia, have some fun, fight, drink and get layed and go back to eDenmark when your ready, with a smile on your face and clearminded. Change focus from ridiculous issues and get it on with serious buissness.

Maybe this travel could make some of us work together and open your eyes instead of keeping them closed for changes.