I Announce My Retirement From Politics

Day 882, 15:21 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason

The state of politics in Canada is a joke. We are quickly becoming a laughing joke in the eyes of the international community. What was once a potent and respected political system has denigrated into a spiraling mess of stupidity and immaturity.

I am formally retiring from politics because I can no longer justify involving myself in the disgraceful state of our political end game. For me the last straw came when the most serious of political motions and machinations was executed by Spencer Magee for the sheer sake of having a laugh. Impeachment is not something anyone should be using for laughs. What Spencer fails to realize is that had Derek been banned or become incapacitated in his current role, the “lulz” that Spencer was aiming for would have crippled the nation. Impeachment is a tool that Congress needs to have at hand in the event the PM is unable to perform his duties and thus give the government a means of restoring control. To take that option away was the furthest thing from funny. It was simply wildly inappropriate for a Congress person.

I spent the better part of the morning fighting to protect my Prime Minister. As his deputy, that is my job. To govern in his absence and protect his interests when he can not do so himself. I openly attacked Spencer for his actions and was rebuked by being informed that Derek was “aware” of what was going on and that he endorsed the action for the sheer need for a good laugh. This left me feeling blindsided and completely in the dark. Did my PM really endorse this? If so...why? Was Spencer serious? I was left to backpedal and try to figure out what end was up. Was this a good use of my time? No...it was a complete and utter waste. Further, the optics of all this on the international stage were being felt as I got PM’s from international government officials asking me what was going on? Was I about to step in as PM? Was Derek ok?

When I approached the issue in Congress I was told to keep my opinions to myself and post them in my “rag” by one Congressman well another told me to all but zip it unless I was willing to do something to help. Shameful! It took Nea Milosu to remind them that I may post in Closed Door Congress when my Minister was under fire...and last I checked, Derek Harland was my Minister.

It is important that everyone understand that Derek wanted nothing to do with any of this. My decision to open fire on Spencer was merely my attempt to protect this government. I had the best interests of the nation at heart.

So what now? I have formally resigned my post as dPM as I can not be a part of a political system that treats its most serious motions with such ignorance. I am leaving politics because I am fully and completely ashamed of the way some members of government choose to conduct themselves. I do not wish to be a part of this mockery of democracy. This is indeed a sad, sad day for Canada both internationally and Nationally.

I will return to my two first and only loves in this game. The CAF and Journalism. I will become what this nation so desperately needs...an unbiased critic of politics. I will set my sights on the ludicrous actions of those who hold office and expose them for the fraud’s they really are. I will seek to bring the hard questions and pointed remarks the citizens of this nation need. When they troll me and tell me to “shut it”, I will only pursue them harder and faster. I will continue to develop and produce podcasts that will enlighten and make others ask the questions we need to ask. I will give all my energy to the CAF and work to help bring honour and dignity to the position of soldier. I will make a career in the CAF and bring to them the same level of passion I had previously brought to politics.

It is time Canada had a voice who was willing to do what Alias Vision has started. I am inspired by your courage Alias, and I too will pick up the gauntlet and fight the battle with you.

The dawn of change beckons...

Yours In National Unity,