I announce my intention to run for Congress

Day 880, 19:22 Published in USA USA by Sniper911
Sniper911 for The Congress seat of the Great state of Vermont

I am running for this seat under the UIP
My host party is : SFP

There has been a hectic month for all of us some more then others but hectic none the less I have been via the military at the battle of WA to see the loss even if not totally fair i saw the loss i am yet completely recovered from the 5+5 attacks there either :D.and yet another congress term is coming
I for one want to make sure the following month runs smoothly for us and hectic for our enemy's.
I hope to Run and bring a new mind into this every aging Group called congress 🙂
Now less chit-chat and more politics!

Economic Policy


I will not hesitate to use all of the tools available to government to ensure that the market stays stable and citizens are able to afford a decent quality of life. We therefore oppose tax plans that are based on free-market ideologies or that are aimed at benefitting anyone other than the American player.

Balance of Trade

Government Subsidized Import Licenses

I support government subsidized import licenses to allied nations for worker owned companies, profit-share companies and other companies who have a reputation for treating their employees well. These import licenses will help provide smaller countries with the products they need to build strong societies.

Favored Trading Nation

I support the naming of a favored trading partner and government subsidized import licenses for companies in that country to supply American markets with iron and future titanium RR.

I support the creation of an extensive public sector manufacturing apparatus. These government-owned corporations will serve 3 purposes:
1) They will give the government another tool for regulating the economy as goods can be released into the markets as needed to keep prices down,
2) They will provide employment for low skill workers at salaries that will sustain new citizens in eAmerica, and
3) They will provide cheap weapons to the citizenry of the eUnited States in the case of an invasion of the homeland.

Economic Boom plan

I support keeping money in our country as well as our allied nations to increase are economy I hope to help bring in more revenue into the country and help bring a economic boom!

I Hope to start a program that's job is to look at company's/organizations to see if there eUS started Companys/and or Organizations.These companys will recieve a seal and be placed in a approved list and will be annonced to the public.

I also plan to discuss the approval of a peace corps the only difference is it will stay in the eUS helping newly started american company's and giving them the little push they need to get started in this world whats worse then losing 20 gold during your first try managing

Citizen Outreach

I support more user friendly eUS forums, and promotes bringing information into the game where people have access to it without being forced to join forums and finding it on their own. Let's do more to aid with new players' education and easing them into the insanity of the New World.I support the Baby Boom programs!

Government Visibility

I am for working for governmental visibility, and fully supports {factions} ++those++ in the current government who push for this.

Budget Reporting

Review Budget to see in which ways we can make it more effective for the current times (eg.like put more into education programs b/c of the baby boom programs and such)

I would like to see reforms enacted that will prevent the theft of public funds, including the publishing of budgets from every department, agency and branch of the military that receives public money. This will allow watch dog groups to more easily track the flow of money and expose corruption in the government and allow American citizens to see how the government spends tax dollars. We would also like to see rules in place to bar those who have been involved in the theft of funds from participation in eAmerican governance.

Foreign and Military Policy


I opposes all forms of imperialism from participating in wars for raw materials, to political takeovers of foreign governments, to liberating regions against the wishes of the native population. We believe that the United States military should be used to defend the United States and assist in the defense of our allies from imperialist aggression.

International Solidarity

I opposes usurping sovereignty from individual nations with little regard to the well-being of smaller nations. I promote the idea of international political unity by working alongside other far left parties throughout the New World, working on economic, social, and political problems that occur in the New World.

Military Trials

I will work and talk with Military JCS to start a Discharge council so that when being dishonorably discharged the terms of the discharge and why can be explained and a group of peers in the military can say the final say(whats the point of being discharged if you don't know why )

So when you decide to vote come to Vermont and vote for Sniper911 For the people....no vote for Sniper911 for the people in front of the screen!