I am so far behind on my economic article

Day 681, 22:39 Published in Ireland USA by Octavius Dryst

I still wont be doing it tonight. Maybe tomorrow. RL has been hell lately. In the past 2 weeks I have had two water heaters break, and ended up having to buy a new one for half a months salary ha. Of course it happens when winter hits. Add on to that that my German professor is a mean shrew and that my poor grade in it may mean at worst no undergrad for my chosen major, and at slightly less worse no grad school.

In game I have been trying to get a company off the ground, and I keep getting undersold by foreign competition. Anyways I managed to piece together my idea that I talked about during the elections in the form of legislation here http://ieforums.hobbittown.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=649 Check it out, let me know what you think. I have also begun discussion on how to best hinder foreign trade from disturbing our markets. Please check it out. And wish me luck that I stay at a 3.5 and get at least a B in German ha.