I am Out

Day 584, 14:15 Published in USA Pakistan by Longbaugh

Hawai'i Congressional Election Results for June 25, 2009:

Longbaugh (USWP): 12
James Harding (LI😎: 13


First things first, congratulations to James Harding and thank you Hawai’i for the consideration.

I suppose I'm more upset that I was beaten by a last-second replacement, rather than the guy who got the jump start on campaigning (although I'm sure the campaigning turned over and that Harding was no slouch).

I couldn't focus my campaigning this time around on working every day because that downtime last week went beyond schedule and when it came back online at 10 past midnight I had lost my third medal (it was my 90th day in a row). It was the hallmark of my winning campaign in June. Admin doesn't care.

What it really comes down to is a couple of significant screw-ups on my part and the fact that Claire just wanted Hawai'i more. The number one political party in eRepublik got out-sniped by the number four party. How much more simple can it get?


With all of that said, I'll be back next month. I may or may not run in Hawai'i again. I'd like to run in my RL state of California but I'll probably end up knocking off a Libertarian somewhere—I have a RL adversarial relationship with all libertarians and I guess it now translates into eRepublik. Maybe I'll run in New Jersey (I'd love to go against a beta giant like Emerick) or Texas (I'm a native). I'm not sure, but I'll be more than ready next time.

On July 25th, I'll be waiting.