I am not calling anyone a PTO-er, but… [eNew Zealand edition]

Day 1,109, 03:48 Published in New Zealand Slovenia by Don KronoX

So it’s that time of the month again, when we have to blame someone. I usually don’t write articles for every little “thing” and spam news feeds with my rants, but this time I’ll take an exception. So let’s kick start this article with the little look at the past. New Zealand citizenships were open to everyone who wished to migrate to this country. A lot of us did. I came to NZ almost 2 weeks before the congress elections. I created a company and talked with some of my friends who were sick and tired of local politics, to come to New Zealand, where we could live and start over. So a bunch of us migrated to this country.

Immediately we were marked as “Serbians” and “PTO-ers”. We hoped to put 2-3 candidates in congress election, but that was pointless since almost everyone already made up their minds. A few days before the congress elections we had two options. To kick off with a brand new shiny party or find “the unwanted”. So we contacted Serbian representative and after a few moment we figured out we have a lot in common and we share similar beliefs. So there you go, “The enemy” was born.

Days after the 1st congress elections were the same. We can all remember the article upon article of “PTO-er this”, “PTO-ers that”… even to the extends of comparing us to Orcs. Then the presidential elections came. At the end we decided to support a “unity” candidate Calbe. At the beginning we cooperated and talked, we signed 2 MPPs with Serbia and US and everyone was happy. Then Calbe was less and less available on IRC.

If we look at “eWikileaks” chatters of this administrations, for example the meeting of the selected staff after the election

100. 21:20:09: calbe: if they'd shown an iota of interest in the forums, inre: congress, I'd believe you
101. 21:20:11: but they don't

Yes. We were not »fans« of forum I admit that, but some of us are registered. Although I was registered, even I (who is used to forum talks) had problems, because the format of forum was strange to me. I always looked for topics, I had no accesses to half of the topics and so on. My access to PDB (Presidential daily briefings) was only for 2 week or so. Most of my communications with Calbe were on IRC. Its clear that forum communications doesn't suite at least half of this nation. But we were almost non-stop present in IRC chat rooms. So we could always talk.

Soon communications almost stopped. Then the tax initiative came. We proposed a different tax rates and the other side jumped. Yes we pushed fast. I admit that. But later we backed off a little and gave them 24hours do discuss. But anyway… the discussions went something like this:

“We would like to change taxes to bla bla bla…”
“Bla bla bla …. NO!”
“But we still think that we need more money for government… bla bla bla bla…”
“Bla bla bla…. NO!”
“Ok… we´ll let congress decide…”

24-hours later proposal passed… and again we were “the bad guys”
After that some money donation proposal came. We voted no, because no “discussions” were made and again we were “the bad guys”.

After that a week without wars came. We were angry and we wanted to fight. A lot of us wanted to finish the new quest missions.

“We need more wars! … bla bla bla…”
“We don’t want new MPP´s …bla bla bla…”
“Ok… we´ll let congress decide…”

24-hours later proposal passed… and again we were “the bad guys”

To make this point short… you can’t just yell “discussion” and then force your decisions on everyone just because they don’t suite you.

Now to the next point… “I'm not calling anyone a PTO-er, but…” actually you treat us like one. If you look for example Presidential Daily Briefing on Nov 28 and29th or meeting of the selected staff after the election you can get a clear picture that we are PTO-ers for you. You just don’t call us that, because you could get FP for accusing us without proof.

Only a few RL Kiwi are in NZ. All others are there from other countries. What that effectively makes them? A Foreigners! Yes, we like our community, because we like our RL countries. That doesn’t make us any less “ekiwi” than you. We just stick together, because we have no one else here. Get used to it. And yes we are not perfect English speakers and we have "broken" English. Get used to it.

So everyone who is not a RL Kiwi is here for its own purpose and interests. A so-colled ATO group is in fact composed almost +95% out of foreigners. That makes you “de facto” just another political group in this country with a political interest. And if we are PTO-ers, then that makes you also a PTO-ers and all this is just another battle between two PTO-groups.

So please stop with the accusations, the relentless attacks, sayings like “real kiwi, etc.” and admit that this is just another internal battle between 2 fractions who want to lead a country. We will all make political policy’s and congressmen will enforce them. That’s how politics work in all countries and NZ is no exception. Now for the love of god, stop with all the b@||&$Ł and let the people decide on their own, without any misinformation.

Don KronoX out!