I am Disappoint

Day 1,152, 10:13 Published in USA USA by Claire Littleton

Disappointed Face

Who am I disappointed in?
1. Sam Wystan
2. The Un-Informed 2-Clicker
3. The Un-Informed Off-Site Crowd
4. Other Parties
5. Myself

1. Sam Wystan

Out of the blue, two days ago, I am called out on the IRC for causing SamWystan to quit the game. After being a bit blown away, I ask why and I got this: Sam’s Quitting Article. Apparently, the person who I considered one of the Party’s best writers and part of the Libertarian Writer’s Guild and personal confidante (and just appointed Chief of Staff) is calling me a fool in public. Apparently Sam decided to quit mainly because the game sucks. Yes, it’s nothing new, we all know this and that’s why a majority of people quit. He then added in some falsities about the Libertarian Party (which he admittedly stated were satire and falsities to several people) such as stating that we forced him to leave the Party Presidency Race and ignored him in regards to party jobs.

I find both these things interesting. We didn’t “force” Sam to do anything. We asked him if he’d reconsider running for PP because he had never once stated a real interest in running. We thought that if Iasov would run unopposed, then we could aide other parties from PTO attempts in this PP cycle because there were PTO threat rumors in all 5 of the political parties. If Iasov ran unopposed then we could ship every single one of our other 140 (typical) voters elsewhere to help (like we did last month to save SEEs from a PTO). Without saying a word, Sam took himself off the ballot and that was the end of that.

That night, he and Croy (Director of the Party’s Interior) talked and Sam voiced his complaints. It ended with them understanding each other and Croy appointing Sam as Chief of Staff of the Libertarian Party. Then, out of nowhere, Sam put himself back on the ballot and then ran the article that I had posted above. The article clearly states that he intends on running for PP and he is quitting the game regardless if he wins or not.

Why is this a problem? If Sam wins PP and doesn’t plan to do anything and let anyone who wants to run for Congress (as he explicitly states in his article), then any PTO threat in the eUS can run for Congress under the Libertarian Party. If this happens, there is nothing anyone can do because Sam (who is going to do nothing) needs to pick the real candidates and place blockers to avoid the threats (all things the PP does the day before elections). Without an active PP, threats can get into Congress and then let more threats into the country with Citizenship Approvals.

This would undo all the countless hours of hard work that the Libtertarian put into the game in the past 3 months to bring the party back and grow it to the second largest party in the game. It is a slap in the face to everyone who cares about the party. It is a slap in the face to the nearly 400 members we now have. Why is Sam doing all of this? Because he is butthurt and is doing it for the “lulz” to get back at the party for whatever reasons he thinks or make up that the party has wronged him.

2. The Uninformed 2-Clicker

I want to first state that this isn’t directed at all 2-Clickers, just the ones who are vocal without knowing the details of everything and what is going on. I pride myself on being a voice of the 2-Clickers and thus is why the Libertarian Party is set up to give you guys the most possible voice out of any of the parties.

I know that most people who play this game don’t get on the eUS forums or get on the IRC chats, and that is 100% fine. You will get out of this game what you put into it. People need to realize that for the game to be as in-depth (as it possibly can be) that it requires people to take the game off-site and do work to organize and get stuff done. If we didn’t take this game off-site then the game would consist of nothing more than a free-for-all where there are no real countries, wars won’t be organized and politics would be nothing but take over situations. If the game were like this then the average person would quit much sooner than they do now and get bored much more easily.

Where I am going with the preceding paragraph is that people who think the game should only be played in-game obviously don’t know the ramifications of what would happen if it were only in-game. The game has evolved from it’s start and if you want to live in a country that isn’t completely taken over by an enemy, you have to take it off-site.

What this leads me to is all the support that Sam is getting. Lots of you are championing him on and supporting his “freedom” ideals where anyone can run for Congress and do whatever they want if he wins. If anyone can run for Congress then the eUS would literally not exist anymore. Threats would get into Congress and then give their threat friends citizenship. Those of you who are supporting him I feel don’t actually read his papers to see he is quitting because each time I bring it up in the comments, people think I am making it up. He states it blatantly in the article I cited above.

Lastly, what annoys me are the 2-Clickers who are rally around Sam who aren’t even in the Libertarian Party. Several of his votes are from out-of-party people who are voting him because they are uninformed. They are moving to the Libertarian Party to vote, then move back to their party. Why meddle in another party’s affairs if you don’t follow that party’s politics and structure. You are doing nothing but harming a party you have nothing to do with and in the end harming the eUS come Congressional Election time.

3. The Uninformed Off-Site Crowd

You are the people who do have all the access in the world regarding the game. You frequent the forums and IRC and have the tools to figure out what is going on easily. Instead, you choose not to read articles or forum posts or ask what is going on in the chats. Instead, you just support the problem blindly because you either have a grudge against the party or people in the party. What you don’t realize is that this is going to create a giant problem come election time. What does that mean? A bunch of people in Congress who have no desire to be there or are there for ill-intentions. They have the potential to throw off in-game votes and make Congress on the forums weaker (a problem you all complain about) and give citizenship to their friends who will be able to run in future elections.

There is a time and place for you to hold grudges and this isn’t the time nor the place.

4. Other Parties

Not one person (correction below)has come to me offering any sort of help from any of the other parties. Last month, the Libertarian Party saved SEEs from a PTO because Iasov was the only candidate in our race. This month, when I alerted the USWP and the FEDS of their potential PTO threats and subsequently offered them all the LIB votes we could give, they were nothing but gracious. However, now that the Libs (and nation) are facing a serious threat, not one person from any other party has offered any aide in the slightest.

Also, several people in other parties know I have been working my butt off the past 2 weeks trying to rally the parties together to make the best possible Congress this month by working together and running the best candidates in all parties. All these plans are shot to hell if Sam wins.

Upate/Correction: The USWP and UIP has pledged some support. For that, I thank them. The Feds have also just pledged support... albeit late, but it's the thought that counts. Thanks guys.

5. Myself

I am disappointed in myself because I didn’t listen to my own instincts regarding how serious this situation was going to get. I should have done more yesterday in terms of informing the party of the situation and looking at other options to dissolve this problem when it first began. For those of you who love the Libertarian Party and all we’ve done in the past 3 months... I am sorry that I didn’t just take the initiative and do something about this beforehand. Other people in the party assured me the concern wasn’t that great and I listened to them... If our party is lost today, I hold myself partially responsible. I am sorry.

TL😉R: People need to take their heads out of their butts and realize what it is they are supporting and not just jump on a band-wagon based off lies they’ve heard and just for the sake of doing it.

~Claire Littleton