I'm Running for Congress in Wyoming (Yet Again)

Day 1,161, 03:31 Published in USA India by Satya Yuga

[Pubisher's Note: George Armstrong Custer and Project Psion are both Congressional Candidates in the Southeast of Ireland. If either one of them were to be elected in their region, Congress would be all the better off for it.]

First, a little bit about myself. I'm a relatively new player but I believe, due to my dedication, I've been progressing fast in the game. I started out in the Training Corp, transferred to the National Guard and when the Libertarian Party instituted their militia, A.L.A.R.M, I joined that. Due to recent personnel changes, I'm trying to get myself up to speed as the Platoon CO of Wystan's Raiders. For those who are not aware of it, for the last month, I have been the Congressman representing Wyoming in the 37th Congress.

eRepublik Birthday: Oct 04, 2010 [Day 1,049]
Joined 1st Division Training Corps: Oct 19, 2010 [Day 1,064]
Transferred to USNG: Nov 03, 2010 [Day 1,079]
First signed in on A.L.A.R.M Board (USLP Forum): Dec 23, 2010 [Day 1,129]
Elected to 37th Congress: Dec 26, 2010 [Day 1,132]
Honorable Discharge USNG: Jan 13, 2010 [Day 1,150]

As people have read, I joined the Libertarian Party because I'm an RL Libertarian and it is easier for me to role play a philosophy I believe in (non-aggression) than it is for me to role play being a jerk. So, when I represent you as my constituents in Congress, it is my objective to provide you with more freedom to choose what you do with your USDs and Gold. Now I know that having no government isn't a possibility in eRepublik, but that doesn't mean that we can't have a lean and mean government. I believe that this can be accomplished through the following:

Budget Maximums:

Currently the Budget is designed by percentages. This means that, with the exception of Reserves, what the Government takes in will be spent on Budget line items regardless of whether all of that money will be needed during the designated time period. I believe that we need to determine the maximum amounts that are needed for each line item and have the remainder of the percentage go into Reserves to be spent during times of unforeseeable events. This will contribute to having a lean government. A government which only spends what is necessary to spend at the time.

New Player Retention

The new player is vital to our existence as a game. Therefore, we need to keep new players interested in the game, keep them alive, and contribute to their Military Skill. This is currently accomplished through Armed America and Meals on Wheels [Department of the Interior] (both of which have Budget Maximums, BTW). So, let us continue to do that as an investment toward the tax revenue that they will bring back as stronger players later in the game. If Armed America needs to be Privatized due to the inability of Congress to fund them, that can be done also. I would like to take our current Armed America program one step further, though. As it has come to my attention that Armed America isn't using their entire budget, what is preventing us from supplying the newer players with more food than we have in the past? As some of our Military Branches pile on the food to strengthen their members Military Skill, I believe that the same can be done with Armed America to the extent of the allocated budget. While this may be counter to the policy of a lean military, due to the influence/food that a new player delivers on the battlefield, I believe that it will contribute to a mean military "down the line". Also, I'm not saying that we should exceed allocated Budget Maximums with this program.

Give New Players a Voice

The new players -- especially the three-clickers -- are currently easy prey for the Taxman. Relevant Music Here! They have no voice, so it is up to those of us in Congress to give them one. Just because our Government has the ability to fund a program, doesn't mean that it should. If the program is desired by the Philanthropists among us then what is stopping us, as individual players, from funding it? I discuss the possibility in my previous article I mentioned above, "Can Armed America Be Funded Voluntarily?"


Just as it should be examined whether the Government should fund a program, we need to examine whether programs need to be funded to their current extent. In order for this to occur, there needs to be transparency. As representatives of the people, Congressmen need to be trusted. If Congressmen cannot be trusted, then they should not be elected. A Congressman who cannot be trusted is no different than a PTOer and should be treated like one. If we are not going to treat our Congressmen as PTOers, then we have to have FAITH in them and trust that they are inherently good, not inherently evil, and will do the right thing. Let us get out of "Animal Farm" mode where "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

I hope to see you all at the Virtual Voting Booth that is your eRepublik Party Page.