
Day 1,739, 09:04 Published in USA USA by Evry

Hypocrisy is a funny word. Dictionary.com defines it as:

noun, plural hy·poc·ri·sies.
1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.
2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.

32 days ago, a certain someone wrote an article about me. I was still President at the time and this certain someone believed that I was being a hypocrite. He claimed that I was saying that I wanted America to remain friends with our current allies while I was simultaneously trying to become allies with Spain, Poland, and the rest of ONE. This certain someone was none other than current President, Gloveislove. The article in question can be found here.

In that article, he criticized me on two main points;

1) I was betraying our allies

2) For MPPing Spain and becoming friendly with Poland

In the past week, eRepublik admins began a competition to see which "alliance" is the "strongest". Basically, the Presidents get to PM Admin and name an alliance they wish to be a part of for the purpose of this competition. Then in the following week, all the countries fight for and against each other with the alliance having the most damage put towards it winning the competition. Details can be found here.

Today, the alliance members were published here. I would like to draw your attention to two important parts of that announcement.

#1 is a partial list of the alliances participating.

Note that the eUS is not on either of the two teams containing a large majority of our allies (EDEN and Fraternal Union of Countries and Kingdoms – Unofficial). Instead, our President, Gloveislove, decided to put us on a team with Hungary, Poland, Spain, and Brazil. Apparently, 32 days ago, when he published that article I linked above, Gloveislove was "very against an alliance with eSpain." (his words, not mine). However, he is now willing to join forces with them in this competition. That's not to mention our other team mates, Poland and Hungary.

By now you must be thinking, "Well, that's not cool. But at least we won't be forced to ally with them, right?"


I'd now like to draw your attention to another part of the announcement post.

Yes, you read that correctly. We will now be forced to have a MPP with Hungary, Poland, and Spain. I don't find that cool, fun, or in the least bit exciting. I find that to be down right ridiculous.

Gloveislove may claim to be all about helping our allies and kicking our enemies' butts, but, when he's forced to make a decision he decided to team up with Hungary and Poland.

Gloveislove, I hereby present to you your award.