Hungary is WHOLE AGAIN!!! - Future plans of a refugee...

Day 507, 10:40 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by VLewinski

I want a Hungarian South Africa!

I have a vision about an eHUN keeping colonies all over the eWorld...

Main steps:

1. Restauration to Monarch (Austro-Hungary+Moravia)
2. Restoring the Polish-Hungarian friendship by OCCUPATION... (Including the Galician territories, once belonged to Hungary...and go to the sea!)
3. Big German Unity - With eHUN leadership....
4. Invasion of Croatia - a 2nd beach for the tired soldiers...
5. The great marsh to BUCAREST!!! 3rd beach-party with the beautiful Romaninas... 😉
6. When fought through the bodies of admin-masses, a new Colonization begins... (New Colombus, New Marco-Polo...) I prefer South- Africa, since I always wanted to be an Africa-Hunter... 😃

7. MOON-Archia: Hungarian expedition to the MOON!!!

😃 😃 😃

(This is MY future plan on eRep only!!! It do NOT displays the eHUN Government1s opinion!!!)

But it is FUN!!! 😃 😃 😃