Hungarian brothers, Iran needs your help

Day 769, 08:02 Published in Hungary Iran by Shimiaii
Hungarian brothers, Iran needs your help

USA attacks Jharkhand region of Iran.
This region is the only high wood region of Iran.
And this region has Q5 Hospital and Q5 Defense system too.
If Iran lost this region, the strategic situation of Phoenix will get in danger in Asia.
so please help us to secure this region.

This is the Link of War

Its the time to help each other and defeat USA.

Everyone who wants to come to Iran please post a comment here.we give you tickets and weapons.
If you want to come to Iran, it's better for you to come to Sistan and Baluchistan region.This region has Q5 hospital too and if we lost this region you wouldn't be captive and you could come back to your country easily.

Viva Hungary
Viva Iran
Viva Phoenix

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