HUGH4CP - a few extras

Day 2,313, 04:44 Published in Australia Australia by Send love to Plato

Well this is the first part of the trilogy of articles about my candidacy, this one will cover a couple of outlines I hope to implement, the second will cover policies and such and the third will be the holy grail - My Cabinet.

So, what do I plan on changing? Well let’s start with the cabinet as a whole. Normally a cabinet has one or two ministers and they have a forum thread in the Government section and they speak in the cabinet IRC room. All well and good. I plan on tweaking the system by having each department run by at least FOUR ministers and a few deputies. The increase of Ministers is designed to create maximum activity so the workload will never be brought to bare upon one person and together they can share the burden. One thing that is lacking in eAustralia is information to the majority who do not use the forums or who are starved of events in foreign Affairs etc because there is no real media coverage. These are difficult but potentially exciting times for us so I am counting on everyone to at least try.

Each Department will also share a separate in-game PM which will include the whole Department (Deputies as well) and the CP. The deputies are there so they can view, study and learn from the senior Ministers and their discussions, so that when they do wish to step up then they know what the job entails and how that Department operates. Grooming if you will but in a socially acceptable way that won’t end up with us doing three-five years in prison. I have already been contacting a dozen young and very active members of our community with this purpose in mind because I don’t just want to be CP for next month...I want to build a legacy for eAustralia long after you have chased me out of your country, a legacy of activity and of youth.

The Cabinet shall also have an In-game PM in addition to the forums and IRC because I want fast responses and activity that will be fully beneficial to running the country. Waiting hours for someone to reply to a forum post can be frustrating if someone has to drop damage first in a battle and/or has things to do in game first. So we are approaching every avenue and of course all forms of communication will be open.

Well this will feature in my manifesto as well but one thing I will change is the Department of Defence, long gone is the current inactive and outdated system of just producing orders with no alternative battles. Already i have taken charge of the Dept while the current DoD was ill and I have tried to modernise the look and the content by promoting three battles that are In order of Importance to us and our allies. So if players have damage and our battle priority is over then they know where we need them to direct damage. Having four Ministers will guarantee each article will be released every two days and updated daily also. It works out 3-4 articles per week and I think that isn't too much to ask for each of the four Ministers to produce one article per week each.

Again another PM will be open with all Commanders of the top MU's in Aus so we can co-ordinate daily orders and start strikes. Together we are stronger and we need all the damage we can get, this will not be a month of just getting by. This is the beginning of the fight back. The war for Aus is on.

No more shall we be a loose fighting force without order and without a goal, now we shall direct our damage as one in places where it is needed by friends and allies.

I have a few more outlines but I am going to publish them in my manifesto which I will be soon releasing. It will contain my fantises and dreams and what I hope we can achieve, obviously i fully expect us to be wiped before my term would officially start...and that’s if I win the election. So it will begin with a bumpy start but I plan on making sure we are as much of a pain in the backside to our occupiers as possible. I can’t and won’t promise we will liberate regions by the end of the month because whatever I say will be a lie, I am no soothsayer and if I were i would be playing the national Lottery and not eRepublik. But despite my many flaws I am dedicated, active and honest with money until I take it without permission, and you know I will make sure I throw myself into making Australia a better place.

Communication, Unity, Never retreating, Togetherness = Dr Hugh Jardon, yeah you read it right.