HufflePuff: eIsrael's Next President

Day 501, 00:19 Published in Israel Israel by Hufflepuff
My fellow eIsraelis,

I address you today not as a candidate of presidency, but as a citizen of eIsrael. Like you
and every other honest hard working eIsraeli, I speak to you today as a colleague. I am not
asking for your support in the upcoming presidential elections, I am asking that you listen
to the facts about this upcoming election. Listen, to your fellow brothers and sisters. Listen,
to what the political parties of eIsrael promise you. Listen, to the defamatory claims made by
politicians against a person in order to advert their controversial policies.

Now, I ask you to to see what these parties that have promised you health, safety, and wealth
have done to accomplish these ideals. I want you to see these corrupt policies that net them
personal gain and accomplish nothing in the protection of our beloved country.

I humbly ask you to look at these facts, and not be so blind-sighted by your personal bias. It
is not my intentions to create false accusations here today, but instead, open your eyes to the
truth. I have lived under the eTurkish government. I was a founding member of the original
eIsraeli political party, and have fought the eTurks the whole way. And am now proud today to
be able to call our liberated northern district, home. It took a lot of inspiration and ambition
behind every eIsraeli to achieve this dream, and now we face the grave possibility of losing what
many of us have sacrificed everything for.

History can teach us much. There has never been a more truer saying than "history repeats itself".
This is why it is important for us eIsraelis, as people, to study our history. Under the eTurks,
we were starved. This was achieved through the eTurks printing large sums of money, and distributing it under their own government operated companies. The wages paid in these companies were sufficient enough for the amount of hyperinflation that was created, and no honest eIsraeli could find work under these companies. Any eIsraeli that wished to open their own company, was quickly flushed out of the market by improbable business taxes that they could not afford, which in turn would be fed down to the eTurkish companies if an eIsraeli managed to pay the taxes.

Our country needs change, we have experienced so much of it recently that it may seem like we've
progressed so far. But in the global scope, we haven't progressed nearly enough. Our country is
in it's infant years, and is it's most vulnerable as it is now. These upcoming elections can and
WILL decide the future of our precious eIsrael, which so many have fought for.

There are three primary issues that need to be addressed in this election:


A strong economy requires a lack of interference from the government. We should impose as small amount of government interaction with our economy as possible. History has taught us that politically tied businesses have done nothing to help make an economy prosper, because once the power is loss, the reigning power then tries to circumvent everything the previous leadership has done and attempt to put the economy in their favor. We must encourage foreign businesses to come to eIsrael. This will go hand in hand with a policy promoting aliyah or immigration to eIsrael. With a stronger population base, we will have more alternative growing plans to develop the eIsraeli economy. But it is important that we begin to lay the tracks down that our economy will run on. If we fail to setup a strong foundational base, we will suffer grave consequences and a much more delayed development of our country.


The second issue addressed is our defense. We eIsraelis, are not imperialistic. We only wish to take back for us which was unjustly taken from us. Past diplomatic attempts have almost all been exhausted with retaking our lands back, and is starting to paint a transparent path to takeover by force. But our military strength at the moment cannot even withstand any attacks on our country. We have weak foreign relations, a poor economy that cannot support war time, and no solid gift exchange program. Our goals right now need to encourage building a highly efficient army,
encourage training, and work overseas with allies who would be ready to lend a hand in any foreign
polices that we wish to act upon.

Foreign policy

As a president, I hope to build a number of new alliances with countries across the eglobe. While much of the world is experiencing turmoil, eIsrael must be dynamic and find pragmatic solutions to our military problems. Under my command, I will help serve eIsrael to become a democratic nation. It is my wish to let the people of eIsrael decide what is best for them with as small of government as possible to interfere with. I know this is the wish of many of you that have fought for everything that we have obtained today. Under my presidency, you will see that I will act upon my words, and not paint a picture with words and leave an unfinished job undone. I am not promising every issue will be solved under my presidency, but I will promise we will be taking the right steps into rebuilding our country to the greatness that many of us have imagined.

Yours, Congresswoman Hufflepuff