How Your Taxes Are Spent

Day 965, 08:57 Published in USA USA by Dr. Tango

Seems to me, there has been a lot of confusion about where your tax dollars go (besides to evil socialist elites). Its not only a recent thing, this has been a problem sense I have been playing. I figure it is high time everyone gets this explained to them.

Many assume that tax dollars go into paying out the budget. That misconception comes from a lot of things. For one, that is how it works in real life, and it is hard to get rid of rl concepts. It is also come about because thats how old guys explain it to newbs. They do this because either they don't know it themselves, or because they don't want to give the long explanation.

This is what we actually do with that USD we take out of your wage everyday:

You may notice that Congress donates USD to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) nearly daily. That USD is coming from the country accounts, which is where all tax dollars go to. The donations are Congress'sway to transfer the tax dollars to its main monetary office, the CBO.

From there, the Directors of the CBO (myself and Batterytime) post offers on the monetary market offering to sell the USD for gold, at a rate called "The Peg". As people, mainly citizens like yourself, find the need for USD, often the CBO is the place they go to in order to buy it. We typically get about 4000 gold a week from these sales. We then distribute that gold to the military and executive departments, based on how congress apportions it in the budget, which is set every 2 months.

So thats how the budget is paid, everything is fi
If we pay the budget in gold, WHY DO WE HAVE SUCH HIGH TAXES?!!!

Well, not exactly. note: Its always time to kill congress, just not for this reason

We need to get a lot of USD from taxes for multiple reasons, mainly relating to issue moneys.

Issue money proposals are Congress's way to print more money. We do it at a rate of 200 USD per 1 gold. The gold is sent to the admins and they send us the USD to the country accounts.
We constantly need high volumes of USD in the CBO. The only ways to do this are taxes and issue moneys. Taxes are by far cheaper, so we focus on them so we don't have to take away gold from the military to print USD.

The other part of why we keep taxes high is because issuing money has a very bad consequence.
Low taxes and constant issue money proposals leads to increasing larger amounts of USD in the system. As we put more and more USD into the economy, and take less and less out from taxes, we will see decreased CBO sales, so we will have no gold to use (which is VERY bad).
Is it a little mean? taxing so people have to buy from the CBO? yeah, a little, but it is needed to keep our country strong.

So thats where we put our taxes and why we have high taxes.

If you feel I did a crap job, feel free to ask a question in the comments.