How to: Vote in Kongress

Day 912, 17:30 Published in USA USA by S.E.E.S

Although we just started a huge campaign against Servia, it's never a bad time to teach people how to prepare for our monthly events. During Kongress elections, foreign enemies sometimes attempt to elect themselves so that they can give other foreign enemies citizenship, which will make it easier and easier for them to become more and more powerful in our country. This is why we try our best to have secure elections every month with the assistance of FEC.

Kongress elections are held on the 25th of the month. In America, Kongress had 61 members this last month, one per region. According to the number of regions we have by the 25th, we'll have one kongressman per region this month, too. (Actually, it's more complicated than that. If a region pops out of the country by the 25th, then we won't have a kongressman; but if we acquire one before 24:59 on the 23rd, then someone will be able to run in our new state.)


On election day, Plato (the old codger in the top right corner looking bored and lonely) will recommend that you vote.

Click on Plato's link to see the list of top 5 parties. It looks like this:

This list can also be reached by clicking on "Congress election day" - blue icons that will appear on election day in the "Latest Events" (on the home page)

By selecting the party, you are given what most countries see as a list of people running under your party, but we in the US see as one person per party; next to a nice, shiny "Vote" button:

This is because we have only one winner per region, and therefore one candidate per party per regions. Most other countries have up to ten regions, and forty congressmen(ten per region until you get to 40. Then, as in America's case, if you have over forty regions, one per region until infinity), and therefore many more choices per region.

You can vote only in the region are currently in, unless you are outside the country - in this case, you can vote for candidates of the region where you last resided.

Note: You are allowed to move on election day.

The most important thing to know about voting on kongress election day, young SEESlings, is where and when to vote. If you are a member of our blocsystem, then you will recieve your voting orders in the mail. If you aren't, then come visit us on IRC, and talk to an sop(designated with & next to their name) for voting orders. As always, the later you vote, the better use your vote will be put to ^-^

Here is a short example of how and why we order our party members to vote in certain ways:
If you vote for a candidate who has already secured passage, your vote has no significance.
So, before you click VOTE - make sure that you are following party orders.


We have here 3 different Kongress races.
Emerick is unhappy because he got too many votes, and those votes could given to his bros in other regions
St Krems is satisfied because he got into Kongress with the optimal number of votes
Necrosis(GF) is unhappy because he needed only one vote to get into Kongress, and just one person who voted for Emerick could have changed his fate.

SEES will be providing moving tickets for you along with our orders. All you have to do is wait until as late in the day as you can, and follow the orders.

Sniping is possibly the funnest part of Kongress elections. If you can, come into IRC and stay up with us until 23:59, when we unleash hordes of voters all at the same time in specific locations. It's akin to Mass Attacking in the military, and is just as awesome, so join us if you can.

The war has begun
If you're not a member of the US military or SEES's SS militia, the US government is offering you guns through a program called Supernotproxyhugs for Servia. Use this if you need to. If you'd like to join our merry militia, then you're shit out of luck.

Thanks for reading