How to screw the enemy while making lots of money

Day 633, 05:10 Published in USA Chile by Adam Griffin
Originally posted by mihail.cazacu via The Carpathians' Yell:

So the US lost 1000 out of the 1900 American companies. And on top of that all the high resources regions. Unemployment skyrocketed and of course the wages plummeted. So what to do?

Well, guess what? eRomania has NO high-resources region and also has less than half the population of eUSA. In spite of that eRomania is the most powerful enemy of PEACE. How do we manage to do that?! By royally screwing the PEACE employers and governments alike. It’s time for the eAmericans to start doing the same.

Act 1: The fine art of smuggling raw materials

Any sensible businessman doesn’t own directly any company. He owns it through an organization. This way the organization can buy a plane ticket to an enemy country, buy raw materials there cheap and then donate them tax-free to his manufacturing company.
The beauty of all that is there is no VAT for raw materials so the enemy state makes zilch from this sale. Many Indonesian, Hungarian, Russian, Ukrainian companies are owned by Romanian organizations. Now you know why.

Act 2: The finer art of tax evasion

While the enemy state doesn’t collect VAT on the raw materials sold to a smuggling organization, it still has the possibility to collect income tax from the company and from the workers. So let’s screw the enemy government by buying from our raw material companies. Yes, those Q3, Q4, Q5 you have left behind when Indonesia/Russia/Portugal conquered those US states.
Remember that Serbian congressman posing as an “American Patriot” who was advising you to burn them down, to downgrade them? I made a comment then explaining why that’s a bad idea. Now here’s how you can turn them against the enemy:

Never take the profit out as dividends. Always use the Monetary Market. Let’s say your Q3 grain company is in Indonesian occupied California. If you make a profit of 1000 IDR have your organization make an offer to sell 0.01 Gold for 1000 IDR on the Money Market. Or 0.01 USD for 1000 IDR. Whatever is handy. Of course no one would accept that offer. No one except you company of course 😉 This way the 1000 IDR (31 gold at current exchange rate) gets transferred to your organization’s account. The Indonesian government gets nothing.

Act 3: Stick it in without lubricant. The minimum wage death blow

When we want to really give the enemy a sore” back door” we fly in a commando to work for our companies under enemy control. All the 10 workers officially work for the minimum wage. Which means the enemy government would only collect the income tax on the minimum wage. The workers are compensated in weapons or cash donations. And they also fight red (for the resistance) during the Resistance Wars.

Act 4: Hey, I am just a jobless employee! What can I do?

One thing, of course it to go to a friendly country and look for a job there. The drawback is manifold though:
1. When you leave a state you automatically lower the wall of that state;
2. You can’t fight in a Resistance War like those which put Canada back on the map;
3. You might disrupt the labor market in the friendly country, driving the wages down;
4. You won’t be able to take part in the scheme described above, which is the way to inflict the maximum economic damage on the enemy while supplying eUSA with the much needed raw materials and Gold (all that profit extracted tax-free from the occupied territories will be used on weapons and wellness packs);

Therefore if you decide to emigrate, first see what the US government has to say about that. I know it’s a bit against the American culture to wait for directions from the government. But this is a game, not real life. It’s a game which needs teamwork in order to be won. The whole population needs to act in co-ordination and that’s what the government is for.

Act 5: I am still jobless, not enough American-owned companies are undermining the invader. What now?

The US government has approved your emigration application. But the job market in the friendly country isn’t looking too good due to the recent influx of refugees (better check the wages there before buying the plane ticket). And there aren’t enough American-owned companies involved in undermining the enemy economy. Is there anything else you can do?
Of course it is! Work the guerilla-way for an enemy-owned company. Here is how to do that:

1. Get your wellness below 50;
2. Take a Q1 ticket to an enemy territory. That would subtract another 2 wellness points. It is irrelevant to which territory you go, as long as it has a Q5 hospital there.
3. Find the highest paid job for your skill level in an enemy-owned company;
4. Work immediately after being hired. Since your wellness is below 50, your productivity will be abysmal. You will produce less than your wage, causing your enemy employer to lose money. This is why you should work immediately after being hired – as soon as your employer sees your wellness level and your citizenship you’ll be fired. Take his money before he throws you out 😉
5. Next day do the same to another enemy-owned company. Save your money;
6. While doing all the above make sure you keep your wellness slightly above 40. This way if you are required to take part in a Resistance War you would be able to fight once (being above 40), after which you heal in the Q5 hospital, get 90+ wellness points and inflict serious damage in the Resistance War.
7. Do not forget to train every day. Train before working, so you lose a wellness point before clocking-in thus increasing the loss for the enemy employers. Training daily augments your strength and ensures increased damage in battle.

We’ve managed to do well without owning any high raw materials region and so should you. Hit them hard where it hurts most: in their wallets. Then hit them harder with the Q5 weapons bought from THEIR money 😉