How to, Military Guide

Day 1,703, 02:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
I have had a look at the erepublik wikipedia page on this subject and as a result I have decided to publish up-to-date information on all features military. I don't have much time, so I hope people appreciate complex articles explaining features in this game as these take a long time to produce. If you want to see more of these, 'vote' for this article, post the web address of this article in the 'feeds' so more people see this article and can benefit from it. 'Subscribe' to this newspaper and you will receive the latest articles from this newspaper in your subscriptions box.

Birth of a soldier

All citizens have the right to be soldiers. Upon reaching experience level 2, players can 'train', this makes a new player a recruit. Once level 3 is reached, recruits are allowed to fight and once this is done, they become known as a soldier.


Training is the process of increasing your strength. You can train once a day in each training facility in your 'places' (under the tab 'training grounds').

Training facilities:

Each training facility has different kind of effects on your training.




Here is a screenshot of my training grounds:

I have upgraded all my training grounds to Q3, but I did this when the admins had an offer on and this still cost a tonne of Gold. I strongly urge people not to do what I have done. I recommend upgrading the free training option only, as this is good value for money you can spend CC/Gold better elsewhere. (If you buy Gold, converting this into CC, and buying weapons with it. Use them and issue them to others in your nation as this is the most effective way to increase the damage output of your nation)

The screenshot above is after training. To train in your grounds select the siloute next to the ground and click on it, it will turn black then click the big green 'train' button.

Once you have worked and trained. There is the option to increase your strength by one from the 'homepage':



Citizens can fight if:
- they are level 3 or more,
- their health is over 9,
- they are in one of participating countries.


When you fight in a battle you lose health. Food increases health, so it's important to buy some food before rushing into battle. You can get food from the 'marketplace'. Make sure you have enough food to maximise all of the potential for fighting you have. Do not use 'health kits' to increase your health as these cost 0.5 Gold each and 0.5 Gold = around 1000 CC, which can buy a lot of food and therefore more health.

If you want, you can also buy weapons to increase your influence in the war, via the marketplace.

Fighting/the battlefiel😛

The 'fight' button.

To fight: hit the 'fight' button. Every time the fight button is clicke😛
- you will lose health,
- your weapon's durability will decrease,
- you will defeat your opponent (providing you have enough food/health).

If it takes 3 'hits' to defeat your opponent you will use up 30 health, and you weapon will decrease by 3 uses.

Once your enemy is defeate😛
- your influence is added to the battle;
- you get experience points,
- you will get rank points.

You will see a popup that tells you the effects of your fight. You can continue fighting by clicking the 'add influence' button.

You can fight until your health reaches 0, and then you must increase it if you want to fight on. You can do this by clicking the food button next to the fight one, and if you have food in your storage your health will recover. If you do not have food in storage, go to the 'marketplace' and buy some.

The battlefield


The battle page you view depends on what 'division' you are in. What division you are in depends on what level you are. Players between level 1 and 24 are division 1, players between 25 and 29 are division 2, players between levels 30 and 36 are in division 3 and anyone over level 37 makes up division 4.

Each division fights a separate fight, that is added to all the other divisional fights to determine which nation wins the war as a whole. Each divisional battle earns a different amount of points which go to decide the final outcome of the war. The higher divisions can win more points, but it is important to get more than one division winning its battle to create an overall victory.

Click on the 'campaign details' button at the top of the battle page and the status of the battle so far will drop down, so you see a page like this...

Hover over the different divisions to see how each side is doing in the current round (like I have with division 3).


There is an influence bar is in the middle of the battlefield. This bar shows the percent of the battlefield both sides are currently holding. The exact percentage can be seen by hovering over influence bar. The battle heroes of both sides are visible under the points counter.

As each division has its own battle screen, each division has its own 'battle hero' with a scaled reward for the BH (higher divisions get a bigger reward).

The countries that are involved in the battle are found on the top left and top right corner of the battlefield. Allies are visible by hovering over the allies drop-down menu. You will also see the influence you have made next to 'my damage' tag.

Moving to the battle:

You need to be located in one of the countries participating in the battle to join the fight. If you are located in a nation hostile to your home nations allies, or you are in not in a country involved in the battle you will receive a notice on the screen. You will be given a chance to move to one of these countries directly from the battlefield.

One of the messages.

When you press 'change location' you will see a similar interface to the change residence page. The only difference is that the list of countries you can move menu will only contain attacker and defender countries.

Ranking up

Every soldier has a military rank. Military rank showcases the amount of influence each individual soldier has done throughout their career.

When you rank up you will receive a free energy bar and you will gain a 5% increase in the damage you do too!

Gaining rank points:

The only way to increase a citizen's rank is to defeat your opponents, in a war (on a battlefield) and completing special 'missions'. Citizens receive rank points after they have successfully defeated an opponent. The amount of rank points depends on the amount of influence a soldier adds, after defeating an opponent. For example, if a player defeats an opponent, and adds +100 damage to a battle the player will gain +10 rank points (influence/10).

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How to, Military Guide: