How to Infiltrate and Control Enemy Groups and Events

Day 1,429, 16:04 Published in Greece North Macedonia by nikmarg

As an overt racist you will have no shortage of enemies. Many racists pretend to be conservatives or patriots in order to be accepted within a larger movement, such as the “Ron Paul Revolution” or the “Tea Party”. Not me. I consider them enemies of the White race. If I can’t yell “White Power!” at their rallies, that tells me all I need to know. That should not be a controversial statement to any White man. If it is controversial to any White man, that White man is a traitor, pure and simple. I don’t care what he calls himself.

They tell the world that they hate us. I believe them. I don’t have to explain to you why the Communists are our enemies. Most of you get that one. So, now that I’ve defined who I mean by “enemy”, I’d like to explain how you can take control over their events.

I advocate taking part in the events of every group whether racist or anti-racist. When you are planning a racist event, you should reserve about 1/3 or 1/2 of your membership to join the enemy side. In that way you can monitor their activity and even prevent their attacks, or at least be forewarned and prepare your friends for impending assault.

In addition, there are many groups and events which have no relation to the race issue, but you may agree with them on other issues. If you are a right wing, bible thumping idiot, who believes that the rich should own the poor, for example, you may want to join a “Tea Party” rally, even though they hate your racial views.

On the other hand, if you’re a socialist, like myself, you may want to join the “Occupy Wall Street” or other protest, even though they too hate our racial views.

Time is short. So, I would not advocate becoming a long term member of these peripheral groups, as your time would be far better spent helping to forward our own organizations. You don’t want your time and energy going to help someone else’s cause. You should be building your own.

However, in a protest situation, we’re only talking about one day or so. If you just want to make a media spectacle and don’t plan on returning, you can always show up with a bunch of guys and openly announce your racism. That could end up being really funny and picked up by the news. Or it can turn into a violent confrontation, if the far left is in attendance.

Or you can show up in cognito, with no clothing that will give away your political beliefs. You can do this with a crowd, or alone. If you bring a crowd, you should not come together, or stand together. You should trickle in one at a time over the period of an hour or so. You should disperse throughout the crowd and pretend that you don’t know one another. That way, if one person ends up in an argument, others can support him and no one will know that they are together. This works great because either the crowd is swayed by these views, or even if they know that you’re enemies, they don’t know who’s who. Often, they’ll kick out their own friends, thinking that they’re in your group. Or they may catch a couple of you, but you’ll still have people in the rally. This kind of confusion works great, because they end up turning on each other in paranoia at worst, or simply allowing you to speak at best.

If you see a group assembling to expell your friends, join the group! You can then get them to expell the wrong people, or at least know what’s coming, what they’re planning, and what they’re thinking. If they turn violent, you’ll have them surrounded and out flanked.

If you want to take over a group, look to see who’s giving orders. Look to see who assembles around who. Have a good back story prepared in advance. They’re likely to ask how you found out about the rally, what your politics are, why you believe as you do, how long you’ve been involved and what got you involved. Don’t tell lies that can be proven wrong. Get close to the leader and follow what he or she says. Have a great attitude and do more work than everyone else. People will see you close to the leader and assume that you are connected to him. Then you will be able to delegate authority yourself. Now you are a leader. Voila! That can happen within an hour’s time. Don’t confide in anyone. Treat everyone as important. The lowliest guy can bring you down with gossip. Also, the lowliest guy will boost your authority within the group if you make him feel welcome. He will say good things about you to the others. As a way to boost their own status within the group, they’ll be acting like they know you.

If you’re running rallies, you should be prepared to defend yourself from these same strategies, should they ever be exercised against you.

There’s not much to it, really. It’s easy and fun. Once you are leading your enemy’s rally, it’s in your hands how it goes. Enjoy!