How to fix Bazooka for Dummies

Day 2,054, 00:53 Published in China USA by Elongated Musket

At lower levels it has little to no impact.
10000 or 11234 damage is about the same.
There are players in D1-2-3 with HUGE strength already.
No-one in their right mind would try to steal those BH's.

At higher levels Bazooka is USELESS.
And if you have > 50k damage with q7, even Bazooka Boosters are useless.

So. What if Bazooka were to hit {q7_damage}+10k (+50k for Bazooka Booster).

People might even use those bazookas for something other than "Kill x enemies" missions.
And might even BUY bazooka parts.
Or Bazooka Boosters.

And another image that i find 110% relevant (shamelessly borrowed) from here.

Also, boobs.