How to encourage a baby boom?

Day 616, 19:10 Published in USA Romania by AdiGri

In a recent forum post about how was it possible for eIndonesia to win against eUSA with MPPs I stated that this attack was a huge strategic mistake. In a “prophecy” derided of course by PEACE, I dared to say that within 3 months eIndonesia will be wiped off the map by eUSA and its allies. My calculations were that if a baby boom starts in eUSA, it will take about 3 months of determined fight for the “babies” to become Generals and overwhelm PEACE. USA has the largest number of potential players and they are not without means. Compared to RL Indonesians they can afford the resources for a speedy path to a higher rank. I am looking at the “new citizens” stats and eUSA, at approx. 300 new users per day, constantly has the largest percentage. However, this is nothing compared to an aggressive campaign to recruit new citizens and soldiers. After one article in a major newspaper in Romania, there were over 600 new citizens per day and Romania has only 20 million people. Imagine what would happen if YOU, the eUSA citizens manage to make the current plight known to the American public! Why, you may get 5000 new citizens per day, for a sustained period of time. So, the trick is, how do you get this type of publicity? Well, there are few ways that I can think of:

1. Google Ads – You can arguably exchange eRepublik gold against Google ads published by various qualified citizens. For example, instead of buying 80 gold from eRepublik for 60 euros, you can publish a Google ad worth USD 60 and get 80 gold from eUSA government (that’s very cheap gold!). My guess is that the most common Google ads advertisers are computer-related. Well, the “geeks” are the best candidates for this game so there you go, you have the right channel to reach to perfect audience.

2. Similar with Google ads, maybe you can contact radio stations and mention something like “Indonesia conquered California in this game… “ or “Russia is ravaging USA”.. Radio stations like this kind of stuff!

3. Printed media. Just send an email or letter to your local newspaper and tell them what is happening. Chances are they will ignore it but maybe they will find it funny and publish your plea. From there, who knows, it can get to CNN!

4. Use Facebook, Twitter, and all other “social” sites to promote the eUSA and the need for Americans to join and help with the eWar effort.

5. Mention it to friends, co-workers, parents or kids. Tell them that in this game, you need help to preserve the integrity of eUSA

6. Blogs – Blog the hell out of it! Eventually, some search engine will notice the common pattern and will promote these articles.

7. Google ads to promote your referral link (as suggested by Chocolate McSkittles and Dubitor). This may earn you lots of gold and you just have to find the right keywords and the proper ad text.

8. Start a newspaper in eRepublik, write an article about the need of a baby boom and use Citizen Ads to make it known to you fellow citizens. Together, thousands of eAmericans will find a way to start this baby boom.

9. Be protective of newcomers. Contact them, give them advice and jobs. Act as godfathers and guide them throught he first days of eRep. It is critical to get them to a level where they can fight. Encourage them when eUSA gets defeated in a battle and "party" when eUSA wins. Ask them to join the chats and clarify eUSA's strategy.

So, my American friends do your best to initiate a baby boom and the eWorld will be yours! Hopefully, you will not forget your friends.

Never give up, never surrender!

From eRomania,

P.S. The admins will probably LOVE a huge baby boom from eUSA but I have nothing to do with them, it just happens that currently, our interests coincide. Now, if I think about it, this the BEST time for eRepublik staff to heavily advertise this game on Google and other similar media. Don't waste your chance guys!