How to become a really well-known writer (Media Mogul)

Day 1,164, 11:04 Published in Croatia Romania by RaduMihai95
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I decided to continue my “How to” article series with another one, this time regarding the media module.
First I must say “Media Mogul” isn’t exactly what you would think it is. A MM isn’t just a guy who somehow managed to reach the 1000 subscribers( through a just or unjust way). A shiny set of pixels on your profile page don’t make you a MM automatically, although the game tells so.

What I am trying to say is that the real Media Moguls those guys who can influence people’s opinion, or even ideas and make them believe different things. For example a really well-known media-mogul can convince the people from one country that guy x is the best option for CP, thus wining a lot of votes for that candidate.
Some of them use this power to make themselves rich, make people vote for somebody in elections( either himself or another guy) or even estabilish a New World Order.

Of course, there’s another type of Moguls: the ones deliver information. From statistics(Bogdan_L, dSoKre, Tall_Niki) to battlefront news(Lieutenant Scheisskopf). They are probably able to change people’s opinion too(mainly because their huge amount of subs) but they choose not to, because this way they could lose their credibility in time. They don’t so many material winnings but their articles get translated in a lot of foreign languages and people always ask them tough questions because they seem to know everything. And this things gives them satisfaction and makes them proud( probably this is the sol reason they’re still in this game, wasting hours on writing boring articles, besides their friends).

Hmm... now I realise that I wrote so much but I didn’t tell you anything about how you become one of these people.
Well, here’s the thing: I’ll tell you but you must know from the very beggining that it’s not worth the effort. In the time you write an article you could do so many other things a lot more useful and enjoyable than this one.
But if you really want to achieve this, here’s a little tutorial:

1.First of all, read a lot of articles wrote by the kind of Media Mogul you want to become(the influential type or the “information” one).

2.See how they express their ideas, borrow stuff that you like. People like when others admire them and want to learn from them. If you like, you might ask a MM in person to help you with some advice, I’m sure he won’t reject you unless he’s really busy doing something very important...

3.In the meantime, you might want to learn something about game’s mechanics, so when you write an article you won’t make any novice mistakes and lose your credibility and self-trust.

4.Learn how to make an article look good. You could search on google something like “erepublik newspaper tools” or you can simply put a really hot chick in your article 😉 I do both.

5. Always write your articles in Notepad or Google Docs. This way you make sure that they won’t get lost if that headless chicken is having a bad mood and you’ll save up time for your article.

Ok, now depending on what kind of MM you want to be, here’s what you should do:

a) Influential Type

Well, most of these guys start with articles full of HAILS and EPIC, not because they’re fools or something, but because for some reason, this 2 words get you a lot of votes and subs, especially when you put a nice country flag somwhere in the article. Then, when some major event takes place, they think what most of the people in his country would say about that, and writes exactly this.
After you got enough subscribers( around 1500) you can start writing about international events, events that affect your alliance, still thinking what most of the people would say about them.
You can even write about admin’s decisions, criticize them on the Forum( even if this could get you a FP).
The choice is yours.

b)Informative type

Well, it’s pretty hard to become one of these guys, mainly because it takes a very long time until you become recognised world-wide and people actually realise that you know what are talking about and that they can trust you. Besides, an article that does not contain any HAIL or EPIC barely reaches top 20 in a big country, even if it’s full of information, so you will win subscribers very hard.
The best way to reach the top quickly is by having a friend who already reached it willing to help.

If you want write stats, then ask the big guys how they do it. Be polite, and they might help you, because you’re not a threat to them, they reached the top and nobody can get them down except themselves.
If you want to write Battle Front News, follow this guys’s guide. It’s the best I’ve ever seen.

A Guide for Writing a War Article
If you want to write about international events, alliances, diplomacy you have to talk to a lot of people on IRC, make a lot of friends in different countries, maybe even get a job as an ambassador. This way you’ll be among the first people who find out about big intenational events, like one country leaves or enters an alliance, or a war is going to start...etc.

Now... I hope that this article helped you out and if it did, then please shout it so as many people as possible see it. Have a good day!