How to become a Mercenary - Mercenary Medal

Day 1,591, 14:35 Published in Australia Canada by Ryan Southcombe
How to become a Mercenary - Mercenary Medal

In this article I’ll try to show you the way to earn a Mercenary medal in e-Republik.
In case you don’t know what I mean it’s this medal :

It’s a Medal that you win if you make 25 kills for 50 different countries in e-Republik.
I prefer to earn this medal than the Battle Hero medal because nobody can “steal” it from you and it has exactly the same reward as the Battle Hero medal, which is 5 Gold!

So, first of all you have to be a member of a military unit (MU). I suppose all of you are.

Secondly you have to know what your country’s allies are. You can find it by clicking on your name and then on the flag of your country (citizenship) right below your avatar. After that you click on military and search for allies (by going down the screen). Those countries are the easy ones to complete, because if you are a little patient, you can complete them as you fight for your MU’s Daily Orders. If you complete every day your MU’s daily order and your country has many allies, you can fulfill almost 20-25 countries.

Thirdly, every day when you are finished with the Daily Orders, you can take a look at the other military campaigns. There you can find many battles going on. You can check the progress of these battles here : . If you find a battle where a country has near 70% winning, then you can fulfill this country because normally it’s going to have easy kills. The choice of the country depends on two things :
a) it’s better to be a nearby country, so that you don’t have to spend much money for your transportation ticket and
b) it’s better to fulfill this country at once so that you don’t have to pay again transportation ticket. When you move to another country, it is better to try completing as much as possible country’s allies.

But you have to pay attention on one thing. For sure you’ll have to fight against your country’s allies or against your country. When you do that so, be careful to fight in battles where your damage is not enough to make the opponent country win this battle!

It would be easier for you to make a document where you can write down all the countries mentioning also which of them are allies and when you fulfill one, you can mark it or erase it.

I hope you find this article helpful. If you liked it please vote, subscribe and shout it to your friends so more people can see it!

Writen by Alexcop
29 March 2012