How to be a Serb

Day 834, 13:56 Published in Serbia Serbia by Jnikola


eSerbia is one of the most powerful countries in eRepublik. That means that we are the winners. So everyone wants to be a winner, and the easiest way is to become a SERB!

Here are some tips How to be a Serb:

- Ur not a cro....

- You talk for an hour at the front of the door when leaving someone's house..

- Your house is full of medicine from your old country and it’s probably all illegal here ..

- You and your friends have been kicked out of a restaurant or recreational park for being too loud or crowdy ..

- You don’t know how to use a dishwasher because you are the dishwasher ..

- Your mom chased you with a rolling pin or a broom telling you to stop so that she could hit you ..

- When your parents meet strangers and talk for a few minutes, you discover you're talking to a distant cousin ..

- It’s "normal" if your wedding has 600 people...

- Your neighbour comes over every day uninvited, for coffee...

- Your mother/make/mama won't accept the fact that you’re not hungry ..

- You have "pita" for dinner at least 4 days a week ..

- The rest of the week you have "sarma" for dinner ..

- You’re 6 years old and your uncle/stric sends you out to buy him "Pils light" and "Niksicko" (beer).

- Your mother tells you to wear "podkosulja",(singlet) no matter what the temperature is outside ..

- Your mother threatens you with "samo cekaj dok ti se tata vrati kuci" (wait until your dad comes home )..

- You begin most sentences with "jebi ga"

- You can't explain what "bre" means, but you use it all the time ..

- Before you leave the house your parents say "pamet u glavu" ..

- The time is divided into "before" and "after" the war ...

- You have 100 cousins .. Some of which you never met...and are maybe to meet later on if the opportunity arises ..

- You have at least three passports, and have lived in at least 4 different named countries. But it’s all again Serbia

Greetings from Republic of Srpska,
Autor: JNikola