How President Jewitt and the Entrenched US Political Elite Betrayed America

Day 748, 14:18 Published in USA Bolivia by Arjay Phoenician

I have to call it like I see it.

The formal launch of the American invasion of Japan occurred nearly simultaneously with the UK’s successful capture of several eastern states and the expansion of their invasion. While the country was beating the wardrum high and hard for Japan, the Atlantic states are quickly being gobbled up by the UK.

I know this is some sort of “plan” concocted by the entrenched political elite, but it’s a pretty stupid plan.

It’s actually the plan Indonesia employed this summer. While they were spending their money and weapons in their assault of the US, their military leaders were telling their citizens to forget about the resistance wars in their Chinese regions. They were willing to allow their empire to fall apart in their hope to conquer the US.

This is actually more sinister than the Indonesian plot was, because to forsake New England in the name of bloodlust over Japan, the current American political elite betrayed the American people.

The first and foremost responsibility of any government is to protect its sovereignty. Period. No government is worth a damn if it can’t do that much.

In the case of the eUS, it’s worse, because the country has the means, the population, and the resources to thwart the UK’s invasion, and the government has CHOSEN NOT TO.

Now, expect in the comments of this article a long laundry list of insults. Arjay, you don’t know the whole story. Arjay is a propagandist for PHOENIX and PEACE. Arjay is a liar liar pants on fire. Arjay is naïve and strange and oh isn’t his name similar to that of Ajay’s?

It doesn’t matter, because I have to say this. The current American political elite, the established suits who have been in power for months and months, have concocted a hair-brained scheme to take Kyushu, the “doorway to Asia”, and in the process allowed several eastern states to be conquered by the United Kingdom.

Just let that sit in your craw and simmer for a bit. American regions in English hands, hopefully momentarily, but truly, forsaken by the government and military, for the sake of the invasion of a country which posed no threat to the US.

How many hundreds, perhaps thousands, of American citizens are going to come to eRepublik today, only to discover they live in the UK, because the government thought so little of their regions that it could ignore them for the sake of bloodlust?

How many businesses are now defunct because of this government’s horrible strategy?

Americans can be mad at countries like Indonesia, Portugal, Colombia, and Russia for nearly wiping them off the map this summer, but this time around, Americans have no right to be mad at the UK. None at all. Jewitt ran a campaign, saying he would attack the UK, and whether it was a joke or not, the UK are now in America, and God knows how much of PHOENIX as well.

The Jewitt administration jeopardized American sovereignty for the sake of the “fun” of attacking Japan.

The Jewitt administration and the entrenched American political elite are to blame for the loss of New England states. The Congressmen in those states were elected to represent the people therein, they best be screaming bloody murder right now in the eUS Forums if they give a damn at all about the people that elected them and the region they call home.

And before I forget, I realize this is a game of possum being played, that the US government is allowing the PHOENIX invasion to happen—ALLOWING IT TO HAPPEN, FOLKS!—for reasons entirely their own. Their effort is in Japan, not in New England. This is a very dangerous game being played here, a game that didn’t have to be played. In the estimation of a lot of people, including me, America was DAMN LUCKY to not have to fight the Battle of Florida, their last state, and it’s a failure of geographical planning that cut Florida off from Indonesia and Russia, the truce with Portugal being the saving grace. Rest assured, they won’t make the same mistake again.

The job of the AMERICAN government is to protect AMERICANS and AMERICAN TERRITORY, not to play Caped Crusader and “liberate” regions on the other side of the e-planet.

The entrenched American political elite need to be rooted out and cast off. This time around, Americans have no right in the world to be angry with the UK, they knew the UK was a menace, they saw the UK attacking the Atlantic coast in recent weeks, and for the government to turn its attention to Japan and the “liberation” of iron-rich Chinese regions is evidence that this entire generation of bureaucrats either do not understand the primary function of government, or they care so little about American sovereignty that they allow it to be violated in the name of “fun” in Japan.

Contact members of Congress and demand they push for the impeachment of President Jewitt and the resignation of his top officials. They don’t deserve to be in power, if THIS is their idea of good governance.