How our Military helps us

Day 1,267, 23:17 Published in USA USA by Zachary Parsons

The eUS military force is two separate parties that are supported by the eUS government, but the government does only recognize a SINGLE unified military, while the other is considered a private government funded and contracted force also acting under the Presidents orders. Our military also recognizes the private militias as a branch and fighting forces that mobilize and fights when and where they are needed. I will now provide info on the military that is allowed to be sent out and not classified by any means does this document seclude or publicize any ideas that should not be included. This is simply a report on how our military is impacting our everyday life as citizens of the eUnited States.

The eUS is currently at war with eSpain, everyday they move in and try to make their move as the military receives enemy Intel as well as orders regarding which battles to fight (i.e. significant fights over domestic squabbles.) As well as sending out civilian orders to help let the public know what needs to be known as well as where (if they even do) fight, every day the men and women in Congress, the people in the President’s cabinet, the military leaders, and the President all spend a great amount of time collaborating on where to go and where to fight. These fights control the ebb and flow of the American economy, as well as our enemies economy and their ebb and flow of the government, the civilians, and even the military, around everyday post articles attributing to either the ebb, (fear or anger towards what we do, or how our government handles things) or their flow (enjoyment and happy that the government and other civilians are doing their job.) This makes our prices rise or fall in the market, and makes civilians happy or angered by their choices…as well as the militaries. The militias attribute to how civilians are treated as well, if the militias are happy, and then the civilians will support them when needed. There is however government as well as military funded militias that are a separate fighting force set away for special missions or for supporting fire for civilians. The military also helps out foreigners, civilians, and soldiers that may get trapped, lost, or may become prisoners of war get out of enemy territory. They also provide civilians with such programs as, boobs for noobs Food Company, meals on wheels, military funded organizations that provide weapons such as Arm America, the defense group etc. These are just a few things that make the military a great place to be. The civilians make the fighting force, as well as our humanitarian forces that we even send overseas or even to problem areas in the eUS.

This is just some of the many opportunities that the military provides that help out and have a lasting effect on the economy and civilians at large. This has been a report by the Writers Guild sponsored in part by the Zombie Horde and the eUnited States Military