How I found the light.

Day 1,854, 19:06 Published in Australia Australia by AugustusX
How I found the light, and how you can too.

*Disclaimer: The view presented in this article are entirely the opinions of the author and are not related to any specific events other than that of the recent eAus/eChile Treaty.

There has been a lot of division amongst the population lately in regards to the deal with eChile. Many arguments taking a strangle hold on the forums and in many of the latest articles here in eRepublik. But it's time that someone come forward and say it as it is. These arguments have been driven by personal motive rather than logical decision making.

It's a whole lot easier to jump on the band wagon of "patriotism" than truly make a stand in what you believe. I am guilty of this. It's easier to get political points and support from the populace as the "national hero" rather than the "changer". I'm not preaching myself as right, but rather I am repenting my sins as guilty. I am confessing that I sought to jump on the wave of nationalism than stand for what I believe is truly right for this country.

"But change is often wrong at the time, but regarded from the future as right."

It's time we wake up eAustralia. I agree, that the biggest fault of our government here has been communication. They have failed to put the pieces together clearly for us to understand them. But communication is a two way street. You cannot tell someone something, if they refuse to listen. I am asking you my friends, LISTEN to what I have to say. Then make your decision.

These past few months have been some of the darkest in our history. We have fallen victim to a foreign, overpowering threat. We have been suppressed for too long and it's time we found our freedom. But sadly it's our own ego's, determination and pride that is stopping us. We need to accept that before we move forward.

We have nothing to lose. We are at the rock bottom. We have tried so hard for too long to get free by means of arms. But let me be honest here. We tried and we tried damn hard. We fought, we spent, we came so close. But in the end, we are not the nation of infinite resources. We are not the nation of infinite morale, courage or faith. In fact, it is waining. We are faltering. It's time we saw that and accepted that help IS NOT COMING. We cannot fight this battle alone.

eUSA has turned to CoT. CoT is eChile. Our help is gone. In the times when eIndonesia occupied our great southern land, the eUSA came to our rescue. Our allies in eGreece and eSouth Africa came and helped us. But times have changed. This history does not repeat. eGreece has fallen. eSouth Africa is joining CoT, eUSA is joining CoT.

So in signing this deal what do we achieve? Many people have argued that, "why would we join eChile when the next government can easily revoke the deal and take back our regions?" Well it's pretty obvious. We've got nothing to lose. We have not got any regions at present. What could be worse? We are at the bottom. We can only go up through this deal. At present we are just lingering.

We will gain a congress, we will gain 2 regions maybe more, for the next few weeks. We will enjoy freedom that we do not have at the moment. We have nothing to lose.

It's time we moved for peace. We cannot continue a fight against someone so overpowering. We need our allies, and they can be found in CoT. If we join CoT now, it removes Chile's ability to revoke this deal. Do you believe that CoT will take so easily to two members going to war with each other? We will have the moral high-ground. We will have the advantage that we do not have here.

eChile fight this battle on our land. We are ruining our future by continuing the fight. eChile are not losing, they are winning. We are being overwhelmed. They have other lands to draw their resources. We do not. Soon we will be all out of steam. It will be game over. But we cannot let it get that far!

It's not called surrender. It's called logic. We have nothing to lose.