Hospitals, SRP and naturally: V2

Day 851, 02:13 Published in Singapore United Kingdom by Thedark ace

Hey again,

Quite long since my last article, and I wanted some thinghs set out.

Firstly, I sort of wanted to press run for president, expecting a resign presidential candidancy run button to appear on the party page afterwards. That's not how it works. We now, MUST support someone, and I will continue to support Relorian as an ATO and because he's the best candidate. Another problemo I've seen inside the Singapore Republican Party is we fell behind NGP, but we're back on top!

Multi-accounters. They seriously ruin our game. Along with a serbian PTO attempt, I think we're facing another threat. I sent a ticket to erep on multi usage on Machoboy, our ex-PP and Leonard_Poh, my competition PP. I actually only sent one one Leonard, but it turns out they were multi's, got banned, and unbanned. And are now both trying to infiltrate NGP(Machoboy) and Srnth is awesome(Leonard). I beleive we still have a threat from Chengyoung inside SRP, with Destructrix and a few other individuals aswell. He has atleast 5 multis inside my Party, and more elsewhere. I'd like to ask EVERYBODY to join Pesticide, at #Pesticide on rizon. This is gonna be another hard struggle, and we need everyone we can get.

You know what's really annoying? These new hospital's. Now they only heal what you lost in wars. People are whinging and crying, they're really upset! Over 30 open letters have been started, and ofcourse, little has been taken into account. People ask admins why? Why ruin such a perfect game? But, here's the problem, it's not perfect. It solves the ressecion, coz people buy WAY more food, higher q food, higher houses and less weps. It evens everything out. It's the economic solution, be happy!

Staying on V2, so many people are saying the new military module sucks anal. And, yeah. It probably wil. But on the screenshots, haven't you noticed the little buttons? Look at the pictures again, having 400 hexs on a battle field, yeah, I presume that will suck. But hey, give it a chance. And this is the worst, and stupidest paragraph, but the most meaningfull.


Thedark ace,

Vote+Sub coz yo nice 😉