Hospital Troubles. and The Cloak

Day 849, 13:32 Published in USA USA by Anakin Potter

Hey Guys

I wanna say something before i actually get to the joke, which is a vid today 😃

So I have a problem. I do my little battle stuff and i wanna get my 100wellness so i stop once i drop to 52 wellness and what not. i click on the hospital. its a 5 star so i should get 50 wellness right? well i click heal and i get....40 WELLNESS?????? what is this admins? tryin to gip us out of more money cause you dont think millions of dollars is enough? so you think making hospitals have 'up to 50 wellness' or 'up to 40 wellness' so we buy wellness boxes or something? come on. If you guys wanna change the game, at least change it to MAKE IT BETTER.

Anyways, I've known about this vid for a while and i know you'll love it. Enjoy!