Hospital Drive!

Day 667, 01:22 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Evening Australia,

I have recently been in contact with a Q5 company, and he is willing to sell us a Q5 hospital for 270 gold (plus license to Australia). Considering hospitals sell for at least 300 gold I think we should take the this opportunity up.

"But patti," you say, " We already have a Q5 hospital company. Why waste the money on buying one?"

Well you see, when I was in power the Q5 hospital was costing us around 300 gold to produce. I suspect that has gone up a bit now due to the cost of the Australian dollar. Purchasing this hospital will be a lot cheaper then building another one.
As an added bonus, once Australia gets as many Q5 as she wants, we can sell our Q5 hospitals each time they are built, raising as a lot of revenue as selling hospitals at the right time can fetch upwards of 300 gold.

So Australia, I am asking you to dig deep, for yet another community drive. The government doesn't have the money to spare for this important infrastructure so it is up to us. The Q5 weapons company was an amazing feat and loads of people donated, even though the weapons will only be handed out to a select few. A Q5 hospital benefits EVERYONE so it is a worthy cause. I will personally pay 20 gold, to buy the export license so the company can sell to Australia.

So that means we have 270 gold to go, if you didn't donate for the Q5 weapons company now is time to help your country grow. Remember, the more hospitals the better.

I will be using one of my orgs B-T Industries as the place to donate to.

