Day 3,835, 08:47 Published in India India by Lucarioon

It was my first year of Engineering. I never thought it would be so difficult, but I find out it is, when I failed in 2 subjects in my first semester. I was heart broken and thought it is end of my life. I had no hopes left and no life.

I have not said anything about results to my parents. My friend supported me and gave me hope, I call her my best friend.
I then started working hard day and night. I came to know engineering is not a book shit, have to get good knowledge. I moved on from reading books to self passion.

I got good in programming and created application called VTU Connect for my University, which is a huge success. I'm earning a lot from it.
Also from my second semester I got distinction in series.

The best of it all, I got award from college as "Best out going student" of my batch.

I'm no saying this to hype my self up. I'm saying this somewhere someone may need some hope and I think reading this would give them.

I would have never created an App or work hard or got an award, if I have not failed at start. So, keep in mind friends. Everything happens for good and never lose hope. Keep up your work and you'll definitely cross the limits you could have ever imagined of.

That's my short story
Thanks for reading 😄
