Hitna pomoc svim eGradjanima eBiH

Day 1,167, 15:03 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina by BiH komercijalne firme 3

Ministarstvo za Rad i Socijalnu Skrb nastavlja sa radom.


Nasi donatori su:
AT&T Corporation has transfered 110 BAM to your account.
B34R has transfered 2 GOLD to your account.
toroman has transfered 100 BAM to your account.
xxxxxxxxx has transfered 5 GOLD to your account.
amella has transfered 49 ESP to your account.
amella has transfered 0.46 GOLD to your account.
Dev1oool has transfered 0.24 GOLD to your account.
ZeleniZmaj has transfered 4 GOLD to your account.
Evol Bobo has transfered 2 GOLD to your account.
steel72000 has transfered 10 ESP to your account.
steel72000 has transfered 1.23 BAM to your account.
Kocan Nermin has transfered 0.31 ITL to your account.
Kocan Nermin has transfered 4.12 ESP to your account.
Kocan Nermin has transfered 52.29 GRD to your account.
Kocan Nermin has transfered 75 BAM to your account.
Amar Osmanovic has transfered 10 ESP to your account.
vega007 has transfered 6 RSD to your account.
NenaGT has transfered 10 GOLD to your account.
Les Paul has transfered 258 BAM to your account.

Hvala vam puno na pomoci.

Podjeljeno je oko 1 200 wellnessa eGradjanima.


Ko zeli da pomogne Ministarstvu da obavi svoj posao, svoje donacije moze poslati na org. Mozete donirati hljeb, karte, golde, razne valute.


Ministarstvo za Rad i SS je odlucio da pruzi konstantnu pomoc eGradjanima sa eBiH drzavljanstvo. Doniracemo hljeba sve dok ne nestanu pare od donacija.

Ako vam je potrebna pomoc, da bi dobili hljeb potrebno je da popunite ovu prijavnicu i hljeb ce te dobiti u toku dana.

Sa postovanjem,