Hitchhikers Guide To Being Conquered

Day 639, 02:01 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

I can imagine that many eSpaniards have recently been thinking to themselves, something more or less like the following:

"Oh my God. Look at how completely perfectly we are being dismantled! What the hell has just happened?"

Overall, it doesn't matter who, how - or when. Save that for later.

Trust me, I came here, to - Madrid more specifically after the Battle of Ontario. I watched how my eNation fought valiantly in every battle, and yet was soundly defeated in a successive series of multi-fronted assaults. Even with the help of our brave allies - we were not able to produce any significant resistance once the PEACE offensive began.(Multiple theatre fronts were employed to inject power projection in a highly efficient manner. ie: eSpain was engaged with eFrance, reducing the overall effect of eCanada and eUSA Ally - eSpain's ability to contribute substantial damage in the North American Front).

I was born the day this war began - and nearly every one of my fights have been against the eFrench. I know how the eSpanish feel right now. They have hope, but they know.

It will pass. What will not pass is the firm resolve to forge for eSpain a new future.
Embrace this. Should eSpain be wiped from the map, life will change drastically for each every eSpaniard.

Don't Panic.

You will be in Occupied Territory. If your employer has not prepared for what may come - you will have to move on. If you apply for a job in Occupied Territory - you will be paying income tax to the eFrench Government - or to which ever PEACE GC 'member state' is deemed appropriate to occupy the region in which you choose to reside.

General Managers - Don't flip out!
Don't go and sell your Companies just because they aren't in eSpain anymore.
Buy new Market Licenses for 5 gold per Occupying State.

You will not be able to use your ESP. Not so long as there is no eSpain. The currency ratios would be inimical to trade, let alone the hyperinflation the currency has experienced as a result of gold to currency monetization.

It is okay, don't feel like a shmuck for holding onto your conquered currency. Weigh your own intent to wanting achieve victory in a Resistance War - and have your money be useful.

Hold your vanquished currency. Don't trade it away with what predatory money changers will offer right after the collapse of your eNation.

Have at LEAST 2 Moving Tickets at ALL TIMES.
That's a big one actually. I'd say the one of the most important.

Right after: Keep Gold handy. Don't monetize everything into a hyperinflating currency (mainly due to Government spending). That is rule number one really.

On a side note, I want to know what this war cost - both sides. How much gold has been spent.
We even have to count 'lost' or 'stolen' gold.

I'm gonna add more to this list later - but I have to sleep now.

One more 'get up'.
