History repeats itself (115th issue)

Day 961, 13:00 Published in United Kingdom Latvia by SpeedKing

With the transition to V2 being the most talked-about thing in eRepublik now, I think it's time to remember how the transition to V1 took place.

Now, back at the time I wasn't quite the most informed guy around, so it is possible that I missed the beta testing of V1 if there was any. Truth is, before V1 was introduced in October 2008, everyone was playing eRepublik Beta, a sort of V0. The differences weren't that big, in fact, as far as I remember, V1 seemed like a better-looking version. One feature that was missing in V1 (and for some reason is always the first thing I remember) was the possibility of selling your newspaper, but it's possible manually now. Also, regions had mayors who would oversee the acquisition of hospitals and defense systems. There was no Q5, all products were Q4 or lower.

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A significant change was the addition of raw materials. Before that, you could manufacture and build objects from thin air. Also, in Beta, people could put themselves up for job market as well. There were no organisations, so people instead created citizens they called SOs or Simulated Organisations. After the transition all SOs were to be declared to the admins or players would risk ban. A feature I completely forgot about was the lack of experience points and levels in Beta. Also, all elections were held in one day: the first date of each month.

eRepublik V1 was officially launched on October 14, 00:01 eRepublik time, after 24 hours of offline time.

Phoenix and EDEN were, at that point, still a very distant dream. Instead, PEACE and ATLANTIS were the dominant alliances. Both were established in August 2008. The original member nations of ATLANTIS were UK, USA, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Romania and Argentina. PEACE was established by Pakistan, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary, Austria, Italy, France, Iran, Indonesia, Japan, Portugal, Venezuela, Brazil and Netherlands.

By the time the game reached V1, World War I was over. PEACE won. From its establishment until the start of V1, PEACE was led by Greek Nicolae Carpathia. When the new version started, the Frenchman Matthieu Bonne took over. Unfortunately, there is no info on who led ATLANTIS at the time.

Presidents elected in October have had the longest time in office during on term: 35 days. The Prime Minister of UK during this time was Rayf Drayson of UKRP. Unfortunately, his opponents in the election are unknown, except for the PCP nominee widdows9000 who lost by a margin of 5 votes.

The elected US President Roby Petric was impeached a few days before the start of V1 because he left the game. Although he stated he was angry that Croatia wasn't created, he was, in fact, disappointed with V1 and chose not to state that publicly considering his influence. ThisGenMedia took his place.

Looking through the list of presidents, possibly the only two who are more or less widely known today are the President of Turkey BattalGazi and the President of SA zocky.

Unfortunately, there is no map for the day V1 was implemented. Instead, I give you the map about a month before that.

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