History of the Kingdom of eSweden

Day 577, 12:38 Published in Sweden Sweden by Krushnow

Today I've decided to write an article that I have wanted to write since I started publishing Daily History, the history of our great land. Now this article will not be as in-depth as usual since that would be far too long and time consuming, but I hope you will enjoy it anyway. It should be noted that just because I write about briefly about some subjects in this article I may treat them more thoroughly in other articles.

The Dawn of Man

If you don't get this reference, you suck

Sweden was like all of the nordic countries a part of the original line up of countries and even to this day it controls all it's national provinces. This however can be viewed in different ways since we once were a mighty empire but that comes later. Sweden started out with a small population and only a pair of mildly succesful parties. This would all change very soon and very quickly when the event that would change the New World forever took place.

The Great Immigration

Just short of a month after the creation of the New World a phenomenon which had never (and hasn't ever since) been seen the population of eSweden boomed. It went from being a small country far up north to being the BIGGEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, well not biggest, it remained the same size but it had to largest population. Now this may be hard for newcomers to understand but back then 500 citizens was a shitload of people.

The reason for the Great Immigration was that the word of the game had spread like an STD across swedish internet forums, the most significant was of course Flashback.info (which is an underground internet forum, the biggest forum, any category, in Sweden). The immigrants from Flashback created the party that has been holding the power in Sweden, they still are at power, ever since; Flashback Sweden (FBS). Other forum immigrants created parties like Militantsocialistiska Arbetarpartiet (MSAP, Loading.se), Det Nya Sverige (DNS, now called Democrats of New Sweden, Gamereactor.se) and other.

Trying to define the growth of the swedish population is rather hard since it took place in during the Beta and therefore a lot of info is missing but according to the wiki Sweden continued gaining circa 500 new citizens every month until May 2008. Now as crazy as that might seem it may certainly be accurate numbers. Now you may be saying that I'm trying to blow smoke up your ass when I say that no other country has had such an expansion, well you have to take some things into consideration; the game was brand spanking new (inappropriate expression? Maybe, but what can you do?), the population more than quadrupled in almost one month and this without silly carrots like the new countries get nowadays, it became the country with the largest population in a matter of weeks and... well that's about it but it's still pretty damn impressive.

I believe that the immigration could have continued much longer if it wasn't for a strange occurrence on Flashback.info. The threads that were promoting erepublik was shut down by the moderators, according to Flashback it was because it was making money of members (back then you got money directly for recruiting people, no lvl 6 limit), now this may sound reasonable but you should take note of some of the other threads and topics treated there, such as; drugs, drug guides, suicide guides, race biology (described as Scientific racism on Wikipedia), urban exploration (you're probably not cool enough to know what that is, I didn't for a long time), etc etc. Now I'm not saying that these topics shouldn't be discussed, I'm just saying that promoting a game where you earn in game credit for recruiting members should not be disallowed!

At this point however Sweden had already become the greatest country in the world and that was intimidating the rest of the world but this I will treat in the follow-up to this article, yeah that's right, it's another damn series of articles!