History of Russia(part 1)

Day 853, 09:09 Published in North Korea North Korea by Kim Young

The beginnings of Russia are only known by a select few people in all of eRepublik. Many of the original leaders and shapers of this groundbreaking country have since left, become inactive, or disappeared in other affairs. To recollect the beginnings of Russia is to tap into some sort of fanciful tale of wizards and witches.

As the famous Communist propagandist HateBot wrote in his own telling of Russian history, “Memories of the past, an eRussian History.” He recalls the past as some sort of dark storm engulfing the landmass.

This is the Russia most will remember:
Russia's Beginnings

“I suppose it is a strange arcane mystery, like the big bang, or the creation of matter; I clearly do not say I know such beginnings. But what I do know is, Russia did begin. You can turn the pages in old dusty tomes recording the events of months ago written by Communist scholars depicting dark frozen storms and snowy wastelands. So let me take you back, from beginning to the end, our country, our home, and our forgotten history: an eRussian History. They were cold times, harsh times. Relentless storms blew over the countryside without rest or pause. Crops were in low supply and men and women fought against each other in the jungle of Capitalist individualism. It was man for man, eye for an eye. But one figure stood triumphant in these hard times; a tyrant, scheming being by the name of Sasha Igorovich. Old legends say that his hands were the size of polar bear paws, and his teeth were rotting in his own mouth. Breath was as fowl as the depths of Hell, and his size was that of 2 men. A vicious and dangerous creature who ate the souls of children who left their home after curfew. They say he was the bogey man of the North, and for good reason. He gained control of Russia with an Iron fist, using his frozen giant minions; he overcame the local populace and brought an ever looming black cloud of frozen snow and thunderstorms along with him.”

From what we can recollect the truth is far from these conceptions. The beginning of Russia started with the political party “For The Motherland” and with Sasha Igorovich as the respected leader. This powerful Russian political figure expanded the country by inviting friends and perpetuating a free market. As time went on and population reached its peak the country began experiencing multi-account political parties.

The first called “Communist Party of Russia” was created to funnel gold to Turkey. Other multi-account political parties soon followed, each attempting to gain the presidency, drain the national treasury, and then move on to a new country. Each of these political parties claimed Communist sympathies.

As the country matured through January and February The FTM (only true political party at the time) began attempting to spur population growth, as inactivity was beginning to take its hold.

The truth is Russia never could attract native Russian’s the country, so the population was severely crippled. While other countries had great and unprecedented growth because of real world nationalism, Russia was stunted. But by the end of February the FTM developed Russia into a decent country. Becoming part of the first alliance in eRepublik the “Northern Alliance” with Ireland, Finland, Norway, the United Kingdom and Russia.

But by the end of February everything changed.