History of eAustria part I

Day 562, 03:43 Published in Austria Austria by Metallon

History of eAustria:
eAustria was on December 2007 and it was populated low untill March 2008 when Slovenians started to move into eAustrias regions, especialy into Salzburg.They founded Austrian Socialist party and at next election Emdvojka won the President seat. Before Emdvojka could take over the presidental seat the former president VoXX robbed the Austrian tresury.

Emdvojka went inactive during his presidentel time and as a result of this the Austrin Socialist party more or less colapsed and many new partyies were formed. At May elections Nejcman from the Alternative Way Party won the elections.

On April/May 2008 large group of Italian people started to move into eAustria and they formed the Austrian International Movement.There were some fears under Slovenians that they might try a TO so some Parties especialy the Alternative Way used this as propaganda for them at the Presidental elections

On Junes presidental election Austrian International Movement decided to support the Austrian Socialist party which was the only Slovenian party which did not spoke against Italians in eAustria. As a result of this Nejcman decided to rob the eAustrian Tresury which was around 2000 gold.This amount was later added to the Slovenian Tresury.

On 10th June Slovenia was formed so a large amoun of people from eAustria decided to join Slovenia.Which lead to the ATS colaps.

At next elections Mappina won from Austrian International Party.And it was the begining of a golden era for eAustria. eAustria got thier Profesional army, welness program, forums and we joined the Mediterranean Alliance.

Mappina ruled for 3 months.And all eAustrian who lived at that time called it the golden era of eAustria.