History lesson about USA

Day 799, 04:10 Published in Romania Hungary by csuzliszem

The brightest days of the US history.


Romania was attacked from 2 sides, in Podolia by Hungary and in WSR by Indonesia. This 2 regions were the most valauabe in that time. Most of the romanian companies were located there. So it was essential for the whole Atlantis to defend both at all costs. This time USA had the most citizens int the new world(20000+), they were a pillar of the Atlantis. Then what was USA doing? They attacked FER to get some resources for themselves. They ignored helping Romania. The result: Romania lost both territories and stopped being a super-power. USA tanked a lot in FER (I'm not sure about the exact number, but that was 5000+ gold, which was really a LOT of money then). After these actions, the alliance of Atlantis broke up and Romania was in ruins.

TO in Indonesia

Romania tried to take revenge on Indonesia by TO-ing them. It was one of the biggest TO in the history. The last chance for Romania to destroy the most powerful empire. After the fall of Romania, the PEACE was stronger then ever, the only way to ruin them was this TO. They sent 4000+ people to vote. Was it enough? No, because of the PEACE help and the lack of Atlantis help. Then what was USA doing? The americans were sitting at home and admiring themselves...

TO in Croatia

Hungary and Serbia tried to takeover Croatia. It was a revenge on the croatian TO in Serbia. Croatia is one of the best ally you can ask for, they travel a lot to help their allies and they're not selfish. It was time to pay back something from the ex-Atlantis. And they got some help, yes. But there was someone who decided not to take his part from the dirty job. You can ask who it was... Suprise, suprise: the USA. Their aid was almost nothing (again, 20000+ citizens), so it's not a miracle that the TO was successful. Croatia got smurfed, the next month was the darkest period in her history.

USA almost ereased from map

It sucks, when you need help, but your allies don't come to help. Unfortunately, USA never had to taste this feeling. The PEACE's biggest campaing was to conquer North America, which was almost successful. Without the help of Romania and other EDEN countries, they could't manage to take back their regions. They got the help from their allies. That's how an alliance works...


Everyone rembember this, it was some days ago. I don't know why are the romanians so frustrated about this. The USA had a very important training battle, but they still sent the mighty american army to help you. Ok, it was 7 people, but c'mon, they had a really important training battle. Result: Sofia has been occupied by Serbia.