Hi, whoever you are

Day 669, 16:03 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by limeberry


pertama2, minal aidin wal faizin, mohon maaf lahir dan batin. Selamat merayakan hari raya Idul Fitri 1430H bagi semua teman2 yang merayakan.

sebenernya ini mau curhat iseng gara2 stress semaleman udah berusaha banget untuk tidur tetep aja melek semaleman. padahal pagi ini mau solat ied T_T

ya udah berhubung ini lebaran dan gw lg singit + ga ada kerjaan gw mau kasi te-ha-er aja.

untuk 20 orang pertama yg komen, mau gw kasi masing2 0.5G, terserah mau orang indonesa/luar/sapi.
organization excluded 😛

mau? kalo ga mau jg gpp si.. 😛

p/s: kirim2 thr nya ntar malem kali ye


fist of all, i would like to say happy eid mubarok 1430H for all who's celebrating. I hope for your forgiveness if i have done you wrong in the previous time.

This article is posted really just with the intention to tell you that i'm so much stressed this past night. Tried so hard to sleep but still couldn't sleep. The thing is, i need to get up early to pray! T_T

Since i'm kinda out of my head, really just waiting for the time to call, and nothing much to do..... i'm gonna give you fellas some holiday allowances..
(thr apa si bahasa inggrisnya?? ada yg tau?? kalo tau kasi tau di komen yak 😃)

for the first 20 people who leave comment, i will give 0.5Gs each. This can be indonesians/foreigners/cows/lambs/mongki s.
organizations excluded 😛

do u want it?? i wouldn't mind if u don't 😛

p/s: i will donate the gold at around night Jakarta time

limeberry the great